I'm sure I had seen the Vols before, but for me, the first play I remember was when the Vols traveled to Starkville in 1990 to battle Mississippi St. Tony Thompson ran for a bucketful of yards, but the play that I remember was Bernard Dafney's fumblerooskie for a touchdown. It was a brilliant play, and seemingly un-Johnny Majors, but watching Dafney run down the field for the score was the moment I got hooked. I tried to tell Andy Kelly years later about his role in cementing my fanhood, and before I could even get it out of my mouth he said: "Bernard Dafney, fumblerooskie, right?" So, what was the play? What got you hooked? What play made you care so much you have spent the rest of your lives cursing and crying and arguing about the Vols?
The earliest play I can remember is the Stoerner fumble. I was 10 and it was etched into my mind because I was the only person left in the house watching the game. Everyone else changed the channel or started doing something else
[video=youtube;2dtSKy4Y1Io]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dtSKy4Y1Io&feature=player_detailpage[/video] This game is my first clear memory, unlike the vid. I miss run blocking like the play here.
I don't recall a specific play, which I guess is the question you're asking, but my earliest memory of Vols football is the sloshy Citrus Bowl against Ohio State. I was eight at the time and my Dad, a native of Dayton, Ohio and a Buckeye fan, had the game on and was pulling for OSU. I suppose it's a minor miracle I didn't get made into a Buckeyes fan that day or at some point, but I just couldn't grasp why he wasn't pulling for the university of the state we were living in.
Youtube the Jay Graham TD run and the Bill Duff goal line stuff. That was one of finest days from the Fulmer era.
I see Billy Ratliff out and about from time to time and I can't help but high five him every time I see him.
Tony Thompson could flat disappear into the line, and the next thing you know he was in the endzone. Johnny -- or someone on that staff -- had a knack for finding talented JUCO guys. Edit: Tony lettered three years. Maybe he was a prep school guy. I'm not sure now.
One handed interception by Deon Grant and the missed FG by UF in OT. Been hooked since. That was in 5th grade for me.
First game was '89 opener against Co St, and I was hooked from the start. And while I remember some moments here and there from the Cobb-Webb, 90-91 Notre Dame games, Florida '92 in the rain, etc., the first play that's absolutely etched in my mind is David Palmer's 2-pt conversion in '93. Guess I've always been a glutton for punishment.
Being the same age as volfanjo, it makes sense that it was the same year that got me hooked, only it wasn't the fumblerooskie. I remember how much I hated losing to Notre Dame that same year. Beating them in South Bend with that incredible comeback and then blocking the FG the next year is still one of my favorite moments in UT history. It's a moment that is extremely fuzzy, but I remember the reaction and the camera bobbing on air as Rocky Top blared throughout South Bend as if it was just a couple of years ago. I can tell you so much more about specific plays from Peyton's era, or '98 or anything since. I can almost call the play by play of Peerless Price's kickoff return against Alabama, same thing with the entire series leading up to the "Hobnail Boot". But those two games against Notre Dame are what hooked me for life, and since we didn't play Notre Dame for about 8 years after that, it set up my unhealthy extreme hatred of Notre Dame.
First play I vividly remember - an extra point against Minnesota in the 86 Liberty Bowl (watching at Village Inn Pizza in Jackson, TN) First game I attended (with strep) - 87 Cal, a 38-12 win First time I cried - 90 Bama First time I got livid over a game - 90 Auburn (following my father's lead)
I honestly think that I came out of the womb being a UT fan. Don't remember a specific play. I do remember my first game. 1978 Alabama. We lost, but I was hooked. Went with my best friend, my dad. We parked along the river, and he locked the keys in the truck. We went to a houseboat in the Vol Navy, got a coat hanger, and jimmied the lock open. The seats were about 10-15 rows up the west sideline right behind the UT bench. When I walked into the stadium and saw the field for the first time, I remember being in awe. I thought it was the most beautiful sight that I had ever seen. This was just the first of many games dad took me to see. Miss that old fella, but great memories!
First game I remember was the beat down against Nebraska in Peyton's final game. At least the next 13 games were great. First specific Tennessee play I remember was the pick six by Goodrich in the title game. I remember watching some of the other games, but not a specific play.
My first vivid memory is the Miracle at Southbend. Also, I remember not liking this greasy kid in 1st grade who was an Alabama fan. We would get into spats all the time. Never came to blows though.