You said: “First, let me say that I am not against all breaking ups. That would be a dumb and untenable stance.” If ever two sides had sufficient cause and the sincerity of desire to break up, it was the North and South in 1860. Your assertion in saying that it would be “dumb and untenable” to make a blanket prohibition against any breakup was directly refuted by the North winning Gettysburg, and essentially, breaking the backs of the South’s rebellion, and forcing them to remain enjoined. By your statement, the US should have allowed the South to secede, and that it was “dumb and untenable’ for then to have fought, at Gettysburg and elsewhere, so as to force their remaining. Another way, you can’t advocate for Scottish independence and disallow the same for the South, and vice versa.
This is what I mean when I say that the Dems just had to be less crazy than Trump, and they couldn’t even manage to do that.
That's not true though. The south left without being amicable. The north said you can't go, the south said yes we can. Scottish independence would be the equivalent of the north saying "you guys go vote on it, we'll be good with whatever decision you come to."
The South was neither allowed to vote for a peaceable secession, nor was there any way forward toward it. Later, in 1869, SCOTUS ruled that secession could only be achieved “through revolution or through consent of the states” - and which proved impossible, given the inability to vote on the matter, or any mechanism by which to even seek, much less attain “consent of the states”, and rendering an amicable split equally impossible. That Scotland was allowed any vote on leaving the UK is infinitely more than anything the South was afforded, save rebellion. If any are for Scotland’s right to vote to leave, I don’t see how the same could not then or cannot now also be extended to the US South.
Correct. Scotland has and continues to be given infinitely more freedom in their choice. The South was given no choice. It matters not whether they should be, or could be, or would be, they weren't. Consent of the States, by the way, is a Constitutional convention, which would allow an amendment to do exactly as Scotland is allowed. Please stop being wrong like all the time.
See, a big difference is that Scotland is a country and the South is a group of states. Further, any vote the South made would not include the people being held as slaves, would it? So I am not sure you want to make too much of a comparison on that front. Not that my opinion, or anyone's over here in the states, opinion is very valid, but I am fine with Catalonia pursuing independence. I was fine with Ireland getting Independence. I'd be fine with Puerto Rico getting independence. I'd be fine with Quebec, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Texas, or whoever-- if it was done democratically and for truthful reasons. But you know who really isn't like all those I just listed? Scotland. Because it is a COUNTRY. So they are especially within their rights to leave the UK, just as the UK is to leave the EU.
Ok, if enough states vote for a convention, and then enough delegates propose and pass a constitutional amendment that allows a state to leave the union, you believe that the state would not be able to leave the union? Or do you believe that yes, wow, there is a mechanism by which a state can leave the union, even if unlikely? Because yes. There is. No, they didn't take it. Therefore.
My lord, the comments on the video think it is real. There are way too many people in the digital age who don't know what is real or not.
For those who don't know what I am talking about, that clip of people celebrating is from a 2016 soccer match against Wales when a goal was scored. It is a popular meme where all sorts of things are placed on the screen with people celebrating it. It was meant to be funny. In the last couple of years, conservative memers have been using it for things they agree with... and some viewers, every time, think it is real and that it reinforces that there is wide enthusiastic agreement with them to the levels of the national team of the most popular sport... Not real.