Third Down for What!?

Discussion in 'Vols Football' started by KenTenn, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. lylsmorr

    lylsmorr Super Moderator

    For the life of me, I cannot remember what this is from. Trailer Park Boys?
  2. rockytopblues

    rockytopblues Member


    I think you need to tread lightly. It's one thing to insult a person, and entirely another to insult that person's family/upbringing. You have no idea what anyone else on this board had to go through while growing up, and it is the same for us with you. However, to call someone "evil" because they don't agree with your views or beliefs in how a child should be raised is stepping over a line. If you are a Christian, with Christian beliefs, then I believe you should show the love and compassion that Christ had for everyone.

    That being said, I have two daughters, one 16 and the other 21. My wife and I have strived to steer them in the right direction. We were successful in some ways, not so much in others. I'm proud of both of them, either way. Both are good students, driven, and hard working. To think that you can keep your granddaughter away from bad influences is almost comical. Kids are either going to do things like that in front of you, or behind your back. It's going to happen, regardless. The biggest thing we've tried to teach both of our girls is that every action has a consequence, both good and bad. Make good choices, and bad consequences are minimilized. We also have taught them the difference in right and wrong. They both have seen my wife and I fail, but pick ourselves back up and move on. We have been there to guide, advise and discipline them both.

    I would take heed of being so high and mighty here on this board. Kids rebel, it's what they do. The minute you think they don't, that's when it hits you the hardest. Be careful, Ken, be very careful.
    JayVols and NYY like this.
  3. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    Had a Jumbotron existed in those days a young Ken would have been drug out of Neyland upon the playing of an Elvis video.
  4. JT5

    JT5 Super Moderator

    With all due respect, if this is where your pastor gets his material, then he's a ****ing idiot.

    Don't get angry, I said "with all due respect."
  5. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

  6. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Nope. Think ABC, Thursday night.
  7. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    When the white pants come off, look the **** out!
  8. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I don't like to say "atoddaso", but atoddaso, I atoddaso, I atoddaso!
  9. KenTenn

    KenTenn Only Mod Approved Posts

    NYYVOL's post #13 of this thread kicks it off by saying degrading things about my granddaughter. So I suggest you direct your advice in his direction too. It is good advice which I will not ignore because I refuse to argue with the truth. But if you're going to browbeat me on this, at least be fair about it and look at how it got started. However, don't worry. I finally understand the constant mean insults I have endured since joining the board are meant to bait me so will make a greater effort to ignore them. Fact is, I began this thread because on seeing the video associated with the Turn Down What, I mistaken thought it would be put on the jumbotron when the song was played at games. It wasn't something I want my granddaughter to see. She's a fine gal who lives in a bit of an out of the way area. Her parents appreciate our help in raising her. Matter of fact, we are part of a group of people who are endeavoring to follow the principle of it takes a village to raise a child. It's common for the kids spend time with like-minded parents doing various positive things. This includes which of keeping them away from kids whose parents don't care what they do. Like the girl who dresses in truly slutty clothes, takes selfie pictures and sends to boys. If you saw some of the pictures shown us, you wouldn't want your young daughters hanging around this girl either since her mom thinks such behavior is quite. The best way to stay out of trouble is to stay away from it. We also helped direct one of my grandsons away from "friends" who were doing dope. He now hangs around with a group that are church-going, into carpentry, bow hunting, and doing volunteer work fixing houses for elderly people whose homes are in disrepair. So once again, it was NYYVOL who kicked off this mess by insulting my granddaughter, in post #13. That still doesn't excuse my letting it bait me but I have definitely printed out his comments because they're so vicious. What he said, I'd never wish upon any child. His comments will serve as reinforcement for what we and others stress to our kids that there are people out there who desire their harm on various levels. Your advice is good, dispense it fairly, including to the person who started it. Nonetheless, I will work harder at ignoring the constant baiting of certain posters here. I'm human too but also understand that a so-called mature person should be able to refuse to be baited and that's where MY failure is. Thanks for the advice, it's very good advice.
  10. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    You are a troll, and a dumb, albeit not a particularly good, one.

    You are no longer welcome here.

    Please leave and never return.

  11. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    With all due respect, and remember I'm sayin' with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on.
  12. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    I admit that I baited you. I baited you hard. One might say it was quite the master bait.
  13. KenTenn

    KenTenn Only Mod Approved Posts

    OK. I expected it despite having a misguided belief things would change. And I leave without hurling
  14. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    Your enter key is on the right side of the keyboard.
  15. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    It's in the Geneva Convention
  16. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Banned

    Kewl thread.
  17. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Granddaughter's parents? That's your daughter and your stepson, right?
  18. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    It's in the Geneva Convention.
  19. syndicate

    syndicate Well-Known Member

    God hates giant walls of text.
  20. bigpapavol

    bigpapavol Chieftain

    "bless your heart" is carte blanche to say anything at all in any setting. "With all due respect" has limitations, but should have been more than enough feigned nicety to cover this scenario.

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