Twitter rant from lawyer on criminal justice system

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by IP, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    There is an agency call adult protective services?
  2. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Right and if home health reported it, they'd be an investigation.
  3. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Among a many other things.
  4. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    A guy who might have been innocent was arrested on a complaint by another citizen for driving recklessly. Cop might have been biased/stupid/lying/wrong in filling out paper. Guy gets off. Tell me what broke, and tell me what you would like to replace that system with, please...
  5. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    You are assuming pretty much everything in your narrative. The only thing I can find that the cop actually did wrong was miss his court date, which benefited the guy you are claiming he wronged, you know.
  6. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    Are there no Mel Brooks fans in here?
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    The cop was broken. The documentation of evidence was broken.
  8. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    Maybe. Remember your unreliable narrator?

    At any rate, the result is what the system is supposed to do. Your broken cop can't get a conviction. That's justice, right?
  9. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    Still don't understand your replacement system
  10. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    Assuming what was alleged on Twitter was accurate, you'd call that justice?
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Whoa, you're assuming the story accurately portrays what the court decided.

    But hey, maybe it isn't. Maybe you're assuming the guy's case got dismissed when it didn't! How do you know?!

    No, someone having to pay a lawyer to get a case dismissed that was fabricated is not the system working.
  12. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    The case was kicked. What was supposed to happen?

    Another deflection. You are being intentionally obtuse because you don't have a point.

    The winning side has to pay for a lawyer under the vast majority of circumstances, except maybe this one, where society would have paid for a lawyer for the accused had he so chosen. If you want to find a bad guy in this, look to the lawyer who charged this family a bunch of money when all he had to do was present mama's selfie and get it thrown out.
  13. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    So, was that yes or no?
  14. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I'm actually in agreement with you more than I am not. This is one of the few times I am not.

    Lawyers make money off of cases. It's what they do. It's not a cop's job to cost people money on alleged trumped up charges. I do see that as a big deal and miscarriage of justice. Sure, the guy can sue the cop and/or the agency he works for, but how long until he recoups his money, if he recoups his money. We're not even mentioning the time, hassle and/or any character damage incurred, speaking in general, all on trumped up charges, allegedly.
  15. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this is your bad.
  16. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    You could allow for a civil action against him.
  17. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    What's faulty about this story line?
  18. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    This is an example of the system working?
  19. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Hey assface, don't start with the "even if this is true, the system worked", and then try to weasel out with this weasel nonsense.
  20. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    He's supposed to privately take cases for free? Jesus tap-dancing Christ.

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