Yet another political test

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by IP, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Gore never bothered me much. After hunting, fishing, etc. it doesn't bother me at all. Every semester I have a box of hearts and jar of eyeballs I casually pull from while setting up anatomy labs while passers-by recoil in horror. No different than car parts to me.
  2. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    See, I was wondering if perhaps the test was picking up on people's social stance more than fiscal. Your result puts a hole in that thought because you come across as fairly socially liberal.
  3. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Modern liberalism is tribalism. I don't think they'd be exactly the type racing to the frontiers.

    Modern conservatives wouldn't have been either. They'd have been the next wave coming in to close all the whore houses and gambling.
  4. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Modern is a key word there. We aren't physically on any frontiers anymore. The planet has been fully colonized. Which is why neither mindset is particularly useful in itself at this point. We're just a bunch of *******s standing shoulder to shoulder on a tiny island. "Safe space!" "Guns are the only way to be safe!" Just gets weird.
  5. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    Perhaps today it's more about folks whom are/are not change averse.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  6. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    I don't think any of that changes principles though. Even though we've advanced as a society, I'd still argue Bastiat's principles are as true today as the 1800s.
  7. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    What I have learned is that the 8th is filled with a bunch of filth loving slobs.
  8. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Here, have a chocolate turd.
  9. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    That's mildly disgusting.
  10. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    When it comes to my intestines, I'm very change averse. They've been unexposed my entire life, and I must say that I like it that way.
  11. Savage Orange

    Savage Orange I need ammunition, not a ride. -V Zelensky.

    I feel the same way about body piercings... God put me here with a set number of holes in my body and I intend to neither add to nor subtract from that number.....
  12. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    There may be something to this. I know it helps explain why Christian music is so crappy.
  13. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Christian music sucks because it isn't motivated by the desire to create art, but rather create praise from people.
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Over 1000 years of Christian artists, and we only remember the handful who weren't just trying to please the current powers.
  15. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    What were your results?
  16. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    I have seen mine.

    I think I would be bothered more by seeing someone else's.
  17. Savage Orange

    Savage Orange I need ammunition, not a ride. -V Zelensky.

    The subject matter doesn't lend itself to a lot of creativity. How different ways can you say "Praise God!"?... I love Blues music but there is the sMe kind of creative vapor lock there also. The licks just keep getting rearranged and regurgitated in a different key....
  18. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    After some thinking, I dunno, I'm not sure it is a content issue. I think there's a lot more theological content to cover than there is about a lot of other for instance. I mean theologians don't have a problem filling volumes and volumes.

    I actually think that the biggest problem with Christian music is more on the demand /radio station side. People are willing to consume junk. I think you can make an analogy with Nickel Back/ post grunge. But in rock, there are a lot more outlets, bigger market, more gigs (bars for instance) for non Nickelback to get out there. But with Christian "Rock," that' s not really the case.

    That said, I think there is something to the idea that conservative Christianity lends itself to stability and thinking within the box, rather than angst, creativity, and thinking outside the box.
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    69 % democrat, which seems a bit low.
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    This is what I was trying to get at.

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