Cook Out Fight

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by The Dooz, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. tripper

    tripper Member

  2. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    i'm not sure I wouldn't have backed up my dumbass friends when I was younger. I've mellowed with age though.
  3. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    He's 17.
  4. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    I don't remember the Klan being into fair fights. The numbers in that one were even.
  5. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    You really are oblivious to the meaning of the term sucker punch. You can't be standing face to face with someone in a fighting stance and claim you've been hit by surprise. Unless, of course, you're a naive fool or a coddled frat boy. Then, it probably does seem that way.
  6. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Anyone who watches that video from the start and can't see how it is going to end should probably just stay in their home for their own safety.
  7. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    You really are oblivious to what face-to-face means.

    First punch is thrown by a coward from the side and he proceeds to *****foot out the door.

    Second series of punches is again thrown by a piece of shit off to the side. Maroon shirt is looking at the guy in the long sleeve t-shirt and the guy in the jacket is the one who unloads on him.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  8. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Banned

    Re-watch the video - he's hit from the 3rd brother who comes from behind and to the blonde kid's left. The guy wasn't even in view and he popped out from behind the middle brother - it looks like the kid he's standing face to face with is the one who hits him until you watch it closely and see the kid with the white patterned jacket comes from behind and his left side and hits him. Then that guy pushes the maroon towards tank after he sucker punches the first kid - and the maroon kid is off balance and has his side turned to Tank who proceeds to also sucker punch that kid who was just pushed and off-balance - by that time he's out of it from the first punch and proceeds to get pummeled face to face.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  9. snoball5278

    snoball5278 Contributor

    numbers aren't the core issue. using violence because of an alleged verbal offense is the issue.

    if the frat guys used a racial slur, they are ignorant and rascist. but that isn't a legal justification for beating the shit out of some one. the guys throwing the haymakers aren't lawfully appointed judge, jury or executioners.

    if you are called a honky-ass-cracker, or something else that grossly offends you, by some one of another race is a court of law going to excuse you for beating them to a pulp? if so, can i walk out onto the street and beat on the next person that offends me and call you up for some free legal counsel?
  10. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Not at all, I'm just not a racist shill for a bunch of dumbasses stupid enough to get their asses kicked for backing one of their loudmouth girlfriend's play. They keep moving right along with the guys who ultimately light them up. Look where the two "victims", a term I am absolutely using in the loosest possible sense, are when the video starts. Compare that to where they are when they get smoked. Did someone drag them over there? Was there some sort of sorcery afoot? Electromagnetic field? Or did they simply make the ultimately painful choice to keep trying to "talk it out?" It's a [dadgum] shitty restaurant on The Strip late at night. It's not The Mutherfawking Hague. Those guys had two choices. They chose poorly.
  11. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    The Klan lynched people because they were offended by their speech? Funny, I thought it was about little stuff like attempting to vote and fully participate in America. Silly me.
  12. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    You and Bass need to coordinate your stories. If your going to champion the cause of Zach and Screech, at least sing from the same hymnal.
  13. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Banned

    lol - who cares if they moved - they are still in the wrong and will be charged. It's already been proven at least one of these kids is a thug piece of shit who should go ahead voluntarily go to prison since he will be in and out the rest of his life. Assaulting people with sucker punches, raping and pulling a gun on someone - such a saint who was totally justified.
  14. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    I don't have any ancestors that were sold like cattle or lynched. Can't think of much of anything that would "grossly offend" me. However, there are things that would cause me to issue a "Say that one more time" warning. If I do so and some decides to continue the conversation, I'll take my chances. The real world has a solid record of crafting justice in such matters. Plenty of No True Bills sitting around clerk's offices because some loudmouth thought they were immune from consequences and a Grand Jury let them know otherwise.
  15. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, makes perfect sense. I kept walking in the minefield. Now I'm crying like a little [itch bay] because I got blown up. Great logic. I prefer to let natural selection run its course.
  16. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    "Proven?" Where? A court of law? A message board? The set of The View? Your feeble mind?
  17. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Banned

    Love it when hat defends thug piece of shits for no other reason but to be argumentative.
  18. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    The fact you are on the other side of the debate makes me very comfortable in the position I've taken.
  19. Bassmanbruno

    Bassmanbruno Banned

    He's white.
  20. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    I'll take it that the answer to my question was option D.

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