A question for the health freaks

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Indy, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    How much does it fluctuate?
  2. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

  3. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Seriously, I don't even see how you can say that with a straight face. Think about the fat girl that tries to lose weight and only eats salads. The skinny girl is eating whatever the hell she wants; stays skinny. Fat girl meticulously watches her diet and maybe loses 10 pounds.

    What about two siblings where one is fat and one is skinny. How did that happen? The mom was force feeding one of her children and not the other?
  4. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    is it? have you ever watched the biggest loser? why isn't there a single one of these fatties who doesn't lose weight while in that controlled environment? by your theory a good % of them should stay fat no matter what.
  5. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    there are lots of fat people at my work who only eat salads. they also put a whole bottle of ranch on their salad. now i agree certain people have better food controls. the skinny chick's body tells her to stop eating. the fat chick obviously does not. have you ever met a model who claims she can eat anything she wants? have you ever actually ate with her? i bet you $100 she didn't finish her meal. now there are some people with abnormally slow and fast metabolisms, but they are in teh huge minority.
  6. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Putting words in my mouth. Any person who is simply deprived of food will starve to death eventually. I'm not blind to this.

    A fat person can get skinnier, but the further that person has to deviate from their default body constitution the harder it is going to be and the more likely that the person will return to previous form when Anna Kournikova is no longer standing over them asking for more sets. Charles Barkley was in great shape when he was an NBA basketball player. But it wasn't it pretty obvious that he was going to be chunky whenever he stopped working out four hours a day? Is Allen Iverson going to get chunky like that when he stops exercising? No. Genetics determines this.
  7. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Again, nonsense. I can't even believe that you believe what you're writing. Complete ridiculousness.

    Think two siblings. One fat. One skinny. And this is apparent by age 7. We've all seen this. You're attributing this to calorie intake and not genetics, and you don't think you sound completely ridiculous?
  8. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    Ridiculous. Barkley continued to eat the same amount that he ate when he was working out. He freely admits this. Calories in and calories out. Dude was going to bars everynight and eating steak and all sorts of garbage. of course he's going to gain weight if he isn't burning 3,000 calories a day. I've never met a fat person who eats normally. Never. Hell i could stand to lose some weight. why? because i've been eating more and drinking more and working out less. It's not rocket science. I have two friends who weight over 300 pounds a piece. the wife's child she gave away as a teen is 18 and thin as a rail. their kid is 5 and already at least 80 pounds. and btw i've seen what both of them eat. i'm not a small guy and the wife outeats me at least 2 to 1.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2012
  9. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    if it's genetics shouldn't both be fat or both be skinny? kids who feel socially awkward eat. depressed kids eat (some depressed kids don't eat). it's one of the few things at that age that they can control (unknowningly or not) and that is why lots of kids have eating disorders.
  10. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Genetics is an important factor, but eating habits and life style are the main determining factors in weight.
  11. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Right and they should both have the same color eyes and hair. And be equally as intelligent. And have the exact same personality. Exact same speaking voice. In fact, they should be replicas of one another.

    Worst. Argument. Ever.
  12. chavisut

    chavisut Dan Mullen Fan Club President

    Genetics do play a major role. So how do people overcome poor genetics? Fix their diet, simple.
  13. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    And I know lots of skinny people who eat as much or more as fat people.

    I know that I personally will go through phases where I eat nothing but McDonalds. My weight doesn't fluctuate. Your argument is complete nonsense on every conceivable level.
  14. chavisut

    chavisut Dan Mullen Fan Club President

    This. I've never seen someone downgrade a diet so much. If I said something like this to the dozen or so guys in my gym with physiques that put Mayweather to shame they would straight laugh in my face.
  15. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    Very major role, and not that simple because it is so major.
  16. chavisut

    chavisut Dan Mullen Fan Club President

    I'm 5'10 185. Let's say I want to put on 15 pounds, what do I do? If I don't change my diet, nothing is going to happen.

    If I wanted to drop twenty I could increase cardio but eventually the calories I burn will catch up with the cals I take in and the fat loss will stop.
  17. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Kidb, if you are correct pretty much the rest of the world is wrong. Diet matters. Tremendously.
  18. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    I guess the absurd rate of obesity in America is due to a bunch of new genes that just appeared in the last generation. Weird.
  19. Steve C.

    Steve C. Banned

    I have about 1,000 pictures of Times Square before it was "Disneyfied" beginning in the late 80s. In almost all of these pics, the overwhelming majority of these people are physically fit. If it's genetics, it's punctuated equilibrium in real time.
  20. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Obviously. It's not like fatasses have fork in hand syndrome or anything.

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