Didn't see a thread here for the Braves. Not sure if there are any Braves fans on this forum, or if any are around after the September disaster. Is everyone happy that Derek Lowe is finally out of town?
Looks like Braves officials are telling teams they would be willing to trade Jurrjens and Prado. Sounds good to me.
Jurrjens has been on the block for the past several weeks, IMO. Wren has been pumping him up, talking about how well the rehab went, how good the knee is doing, great velocity, etc. He will be dealt for the right price, mark my word.
I agree with everything you said. I like Jurrjens, but he is not worth the money. He is becoming injury prone, and he is hittable. I hope the Braves don't go cheap. If they free up money with Prado and Jurrjens, maybe they can go get one good outfielder. My only concern is about who will back up Chipper this year.
According to Jon Heyman's twitter feed, Braves are seeking a "Greinke like deal" for JJ. In a pitching thin market, with high pitching demand, they should be able to get a pretty good return.
I'm extremely glad that Lowe is gone. It's nothing personal, but he simply wasn't worth 10% of that $15 mil salary.
Yep, the braves really only needed Lowe the first year of his contract when they were so thin on pitching. I will give Lowe some credit. He never misses any starts.
I also saw where the Braves are going to raise their payroll this offseason. It probably won't be much. However, if they trade Jurrjens and Prado, that could really free things up for a power hitting left fielder.
Maybe the Braves can trade Jurrjens now that Gonzalez has been traded by the A's. Been a pretty quiet offseason.
Love the Braves, kind of hate this team. I'm sure I'll come around eventually. If I were writing a Fox/SS/PTV Braves commercial, it would go something like this: Tune in and watch the 2012 Atlanta Braves as they attempt to cement their second-class status behind the NL East leading Phillies for all time! With our new and improved network coverage, there is now a 57% chance you can watch a given game (unless you live outside the patch of grass in right-center field at Turner)! Just tune in to Fox Sports Southeast. Or SportSouth. Or Peachtree TV. Or Comcast Sports South. Did you try the first alternate for each channel? How about the alternate alternate channels? The generic sports catch-all alternate channels? You found it? Great! Watch as the Braves' young stars attempt to reenact the career arc of Jeff Francoeur in painstaking detail! All on the only place for the Braves, FSS/SS/PTV/CSS/FSS ALT1/FSS ALT2/... Wait, was that over 30 seconds?
The 5 runs were deceiving today as I think in total there were still only 3 hits all game. Hopefull they can turn it around against the Astros and Brewers this coming week.
Excellent chance to change the narrative here and... fire Fredi. Don't think it even comes up though, unless we start 0-9 or are at .300 in the middle of May. An aside, Fulmer ruined the fan experience for me as I will now gladly go rogue and pull for bad results to get an ineffectual coach fired. The positive is that I can now laugh at the predictable, repetitive failures rather than flying into apoplectic rage.