Do you believe in ghosts?

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by DownNDirty, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

  2. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Guy I go to church with was there.
  3. JZ1124

    JZ1124 Active Member

    I've never seen or been involved with anything "ghost" related but certainly believe in the after life so I do think there are angels and demons in this world.
  4. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I didn't know Jason Hawes was on the board. Or perhaps it is Grant Wilson seeing how he quit the show.

  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Here's my issue with that. Let's say some skeptical ass hole like me did go around and poke sticks in that legend's general direction. If I get cancer, or a family member dies, all of a sudden it's the witch. Never mind that everyone loses family members and many people get sick, both of which are thus far 100 % natural explainable events virtually every time they've happened in a situation where those things can be studied in detail.
  6. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I had a former student/player that was there. His picture was in the Time Magazine story on the incident.
  7. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Perhaps, but I believe in letting sleeping dogs lie as well.
  8. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    I see what you're saying and I agree to an extent, but I'm not going to start poking it to find out.

    If there are ghosts, I don't want to piss them off. If they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone.
  9. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

  10. DownNDirty

    DownNDirty Contributor

    Thanks for the thought out response.

    1. I know the Ouija board was the same board because it wasn't the Milton Bradley mass produced kind. I used to go to yard sales with an aunt from time to time and mostly would be bored out of my mind. But from time to time I'd find some cool Hot Wheel or wrestling collectibles as that's the only reason I went. This was an older wooden Ouija board that was very distinctive. And it had a carving into the back of it with the letters DE. It had a like colored wood type of pointer as well. It was an older one - I'd guess at least from the 60s if not before. That's why I was so disturbed when I saw that board again. The pointer wasn't still with it in the barn but it was that same board. And like I said - someone could have went back and got it and put it in my barn for some strange reason. But it just doesn't seem likely especially when no one would own up to it and they acted genuinally puzzled. You would think 14 years later one would let me in on it if it were just a joke.

    2. If Adele was my ex wife that would be creepy enough in itself for all the rest of this crap.

    3. Fair enough except if it were an animal between the floors I'm glad I never got to meet it.

    4. The only other thing I can be sure of that's very, very strange. No toys played it and I lived on an acre lot. If a kid happened to be outside of the area I heard the music coming from they would have been hovering about 25 feet above the ground outside of the window.

    5. As far as knocking me down I agree with your assessment. Just being caught that off guard would be enough to make me topple much easier. The only thing was the door was indeed locked. Or, I should say that after I regrouped I looked at the door from the basement side and turned the knob and it was locked. It wouldn't turn as it was still locked from the kitchen side. Now, could a big enough gust of wind somehow sucked a locked door open in an old house? Not completely out of the realm of possibility.

    6. Agree this could be explained in several ways. And I love me some Boo-Berry.

    7. Never saw them suspended in mid air so I will give you that.

    I have in fact thought from time to time that if you think of something hard enough and put it into your mind that you can make things be as they are not. Hell, I honestly think that there's an outside chance that some people that see ghosts really see them but they are a product of their mind. And the belief they have is so much that others can really see what they project from their minds too. With humans only using 1/3 of our brains I think it's not out of the realm of possibility.

    Do I honestly believe in ghosts? I honestly think that there are things that can't be explained. I think that with everyone in the world now walking around with video cameras built into their cell phones that we should have saw a few ghosts by now. But I also can say I don't rule out the possibility that there are ghosts/demons - whatever you want to call them.
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I don't believe that dog exists. If I am worried about waking up an imaginary dog, then I am deceiving myself and living in denial. I am also breaking from some of the guiding principles of my life. So to me, not only do I not need to let the imaginary dog sleep, I would be a jack ass if I didn't try and wake up any possible imaginary dog at any given opportunity.
  12. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I think at TOOS I had a challenge of telling me where to go to experience a ghost/demon etc, that went unanswered. Was even told it wouldn't work if I "didn't believe" or "have an open mind." Well....
  13. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    I don't live in that house anymore or else I'd let you stay for a week.
  14. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    I got a kick out of this old man that lived across the road from the Bell Farm. He said he wouldn't even walk on that side of the road.

    I told him I had to, to survey the land which included the reminets of the old house, graveyard, and well. I then told him I was married and not interested in a witch (jokingly)

    He said Ewwwwh! Don't say that!
  15. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Just to play Devil's advocate for a sec on IP's thoughts:

    I do believe in an afterlife. He doesn't. No problem for me at all. I still would love to meet him and hang out for a bit even become friends as long as it's not at some interstate rest stop or something of the sort (I know how you guys are; thus, the disclaimer.)

    Now, if there isn't an afterlife, I'm not out anything. If there is, well, you know what I mean. That is not to say that I believe what I believe simply to avoid torment, but just a thought. Again, I think no less of IP for his stances, and welcome his input despite heathenistic nature of it. I think everyone here that does believe in an afterlife would be lying if they said that they have never had any doubts.

    Or not.
  16. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    I was, but I wasn't over in 2004. Are you talking about the team that got lit up by a tank unit, and left one in serious condition from a round to the head?
  17. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I lived in an old allegedly haunted house in North Carolina for awhile. Was a small colonial I-house. Was built in 1791, had a graveyard beside it in a cornfield with tombs from the Civil War, and had slave quarters underneath. Creepy as all get-out. I poked all around that house and made a lot of off-color jokes about the Confederacy and slavery, never had any issues what-so-ever. Doesn't prove anything concerning ghosts, but I am not worried about sleeping or staying in allegedly haunted spaces.

    I also know through a friend a guy who does special effects for television shows in Hollywood. He has worked for Ghost Hunters and the like a few times. He laughs about how he is paid to make weird noises and throw rocks at tents and the like to get the sort of emotion and reaction from people on the show we are used to.
  18. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    A bowl of Boo Berry is a direct descendant of Nectar and Ambrosia.
  19. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  20. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I understand. It works for me, though.

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