Figure we needed a place to discuss it. No hacks like TennTradition allowed. It's fairly cool outside today, so I'm assuming the whole thing is a load of crap.
this summer was hot up in here, so I'm now on board. Will consult gsvol when I congratulate him for not winning the tourney.
The year without a summer is fascinating. One large plinian eruption, and boom: the world's thermostat gets cranked down a good 5 degrees globally. It shows up in all the tree rings from trees alive at that time, too.
The Climate Debate is Over. Let's Tap Markets to Save the Trees, the Planet, and Ourselves - Forbes Interesting article. I didn't realize the BEST study was a conservative-funded study intended to disprove Global Climate Change Theory. Oops.
is a warming of less than one degree since the 1950's somehow proof that it's man-made? also, the author sounds like an Al Gore sycophant
This is an example of moving the goal posts. It used to be, "there is no global warming." Now it is, "but no one can prove it is man-made!" ...Even though atmospheric physics say it is.
To be clear, you think the warming and the spike in atmospheric CO2 of anthropogenic origin (provable via isotopic analysis) are merely coincidental? Do you believe carbon dioxide does not absorb and re-radiate long-wave radiation?
Didn't see a whole lot from his article that proves otherwise. Regardless, he's sounding a collective call to arms and asking for the other side to join him, while simultaneously refusing to even call them skeptics without putting skeptics in quotation marks, calling them insane, paralytic, and non-sentient. He presents the article as a noble gesture to save the planet when it's really a poorly-veiled attack piece.