My Vote for President

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Tenacious D, Oct 1, 2012.


Tenny D' s Presidential Vote

Poll closed Oct 31, 2012.
  1. Vote for President Obama

  2. Vote for Romney

  3. Vote AGAINST Romney

  4. Vote AGAINST President Obama

  5. It makes no difference, you should not bother voting

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Obama and I are in lock step on science, my environmental stances are in line with Jill Stein, and my foreign policy positions are with Gary Johnson.
  2. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    America has become so grotesquely and unreasonably fragmented that it's more likely that we never approach, much less actually seize, even a fragment of the vast opportunities that remain to be quite easily within our grasp, than we do. I believe that we will continue to become increasingly alienated one from another, as the light of a common vision continues to dim, and as we continued to be satisfied in scrambling to choose that which is simply in our own best self-interests, however harmful, unimportant, paltry, of tertiary or complete importance, as they may be, instead.

    And I believe that history will be scathing for those of us, myself included, who could have easily prevented it, but didn't. Not couldn't, mind you, but didn't. We, who wouldn't be interrupted in our dogmatic lighting of candles at the respective shrines of Bill Maher, money, fame, feasting, Facebooking, Tweeting, Ann Coulter, science, religion, Occupy Wall Street, or Honey Boo-Boo long enough to even consider - much less to act upon - the width, breadth and depth of those consequences which our many distr/re/in/actions allowed or caused to occur.

    We are no longer a nation of reason, intellect, scrutiny, objectivity or truth. And until we once again hold those things to be most sacred, we'll simply continue to mistake the arguing about innumerous, infinitely lesser comparatively unimportant issues - the legalization of marijuana, gay marriage, gun rights, abortion, the death penalty, taxes, wealth redistribution, etc. etc. etc. - as "progress".

    Our future generations are going to realize that their inherited two-bedroom condo in the maze of suburban sprawl is no suitable substitute for the City on a Hill which they were promised, and we squandered. And they will curse every single, stupid, well-intentioned, moderate, enabling, personal responsibility avoiding, selfishly aggrandizing, miserable near-sighted, peace at any cost, war at any risk, bloated, pain-free, microwaved attention spanning, McNews soundbite loving one of us for having done so.

    And they will be entirely right and justified for doing so, as we will not only be most well-deserving of those slings and arrows, but incalculably more.

    And, no, I don't think that some stupid-ass politician is going to "solve" any of this, no matter how charismatic, good-looking, rich, poverty-stricken, black, white, brown, purple. masculine, effeminate, old, young, from any geographic region, representing any population in any office, or how well their nickname scored with focus groups in the 18-35 age group or whether it is preceded by a little "D" or "R". In fact, an infinitely better and far more convincing argument is that they are the very embodiment of the problem, itself, or at best, its naturally putrid byproduct.
  3. Tar Volon

    Tar Volon Me Blog

    I really appreciate them giving more than two options for every question, but I'm not sure how I got 90% agreement with Romney despite disagreeing on more than a third of the issues.

    But, as expected, I'm pretty much lockstep with Gary Johnson on everything.
  4. Tar Volon

    Tar Volon Me Blog

    I really appreciate them giving more than two options for every question, but I'm not sure how I got 90% agreement with Romney despite disagreeing on more than a third of the issues.

    But, as expected, I'm pretty much lockstep with Gary Johnson on everything.
  5. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    I've done the third party vote and went for Nader in 2000, being part of the movement that helped elect Bush and bring that epic disaster into office. So, I'm a little leary of third party votes for making a statement as it usually seems to backfire on your intent. I've become more real politik in my voting.

    It's been well established that I'm voting for Obama and think he's doing reasonably well as president, plus the fact that I have never voted Republican for even dog catcher. However, I do think it is important for the Republicans to lose this election based upon their actions the last 2-3 years. Namely, I think it is important that they are held accountable for the fact that have provided no new ideas and have stated their sole purpose as to sabotage the Obama administration, both of which I have never seen before from either side. Their political gamesmanship was dangerous, cost us our credit rating (amongst many other unnecessarily created problems) and, generally hoped that they could create enough chaos and destruction that they would pin on Obama to garner political power

    I can accept one side's ideas, even if I disagree with them, as being preferred and losing to a set of ideas opposed to my own. I can argue, negotiate and discuss with those people and come to some agreements, determinations, concessions, etc. as part of the whole process. I can't accept stonewalling and willful destruction for the express purpose of gaining political power for yourself. I understand that goes on at some level everywhere, but I've not seen it as benchmark policy.

    As a result, I think it's necesssary to send a message to Republicans that they need to come up with actual ideas and policies to discuss and debate. Obviously, I'm the most partisan dude on this site, but I do feel pretty strongly that this is an important issue to impose upon the political process or it will be seen as an effective method of opposition for either party in the future.
  6. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    89% romney.
  7. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    Come on. What new ideas have we heard from obama or anyone else for that matter? Obama's my way or the highway attitude created this issue. See what clinton did in a similar situation and then compare. And certainly you saw this behavior when bush was in office by democrats? And the republicans had zero to do with our credit rating. That's absurd.
  8. Tar Volon

    Tar Volon Me Blog

    My Dad is friends with his local rep (Tennessee, first district), who absolutely agrees with this. He claims to have tried daily to get meetings with Obama about the healthcare reform (he was an OBGYN before being elected, so he figured he had more firsthand knowledge than a lot of folks) and never even got a response. He says that he eventually ended up sending Obama a certified letter, just so he could be assured that it was actually delivered.

    I don't know the guy, I don't know if this is true. But my Dad knows him, and neither of them are happy with the President's attempts to work with Republicans.
  9. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Because neither Democrats nor Republicans (at the Party level) desire anything more than the complete destruction of the other, and as a means to attain their own unfettered, homogenous and totalitarian rule, and for all-time. It is also why they are so unwilling and unwanting of any third party candidate, or even those who do not neatly fit into their own pre-defined, albeit entirely too constricting, peg holes of acceptability.

    They no more want, desire, respect or believe there to be any value in the thoughts, opinions and ideals of the other, than do their counterparts across the aisle. It is the very definition of lunacy, and one which we willingly (gladly, even) follow to what are equally idiotic and needlessly polarizing positions of mutual exclusivity.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012
  10. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    And, for all of the many of you leftists (be it leaning or entrenched), that have thus far failed to offer one whit of evidence to convince me to support Presidet Obama, am I to best to interpret your silence as being ignorant, incompetent, cowardly, or a combination of all three?

    Surely, such ardent support warrants one item, a mention even, of something tangible and in his favor, right?
  11. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    I have mentioned before that I am a social liberal/fiscal conservative, so it comes down to which side is most important to me at any given time. TD, I agree with your statements around the current political environment; I see no desire whatsoever from either party on the whole to work together for the betterment of this country and citizens, and that both saddens and angers me. In terms of the poll I think the "It makes no difference..." is likely the most accurate in terms of whoever wins the election. However, as mentioned earlier, I will vote on what I feel is most relevant to me (and yes, I know this also goes back to one of your earlier points but I will own it). Unfortunately, many of the social stances of the Republican party are so archaic (some bigotry-adjacent, imo) that I cannot vote that way in good conscious. If they someday consider me something more than a second class citizen then they will be much more likely to receive my vote. For the record I think both major candidates in this election are wholly unappealing, but in the end it isn't even about them - both parties are likely going to continue trying to destroy each other rather than serving their constituents.
  12. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    91% Democrat Party
    86% Green Party

    31% Republican Party

    per iSide
  13. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    Forgot--somehow--about my biggest beef with Republicans, their obsession with the military budget being astronomical and with interventionalism. .
  14. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I'll take both your conviction and transparency on positions that most matter to you, even if they are possibly in opposition to my own, than either apathy or ignorance, GCB.

    But for the record....I no more think that President Obama truly cares about the rights of gay Americans than Lincoln did about the enslavement of black people, that is, except for purely political gains, alone.

    However, were I you, I wouldn't give a shit as to the sentiment behind the normalization of my rights, so long as they occurred.

    And finally, as someone who will likely vote for Romney, and is generally a conservative person by nature, I'm pretty sure that my agreeing with you, or even recognizing your equal standing as either a free man or as a fellow human being, has somehow aggrieved my party brethren. So, be sure to disagree with my next several posts, please. Such should not only prevent my own political allegiances from being called into question, but may also stave off even more serious concerns as to my own sexuality (not that my sexuality hasn't been more than amply discussed here, and by any number of stupid asses, dullards and dimwits, as you must know), which would almost certainly follow.

    Because, as you are know far too well, it is the very act of being respectful of (much less, being nice to) "the gays", and the strong inferences of "gay-ness" or "gay-dom" which it naturally causes to incur, and which not only serves to encourage "the gays", to be even more "gay-ester". Essentially, showing kindness to "the gays" is like pouring water on a little fabulously dressed and perfectly accessorized Mogwai, as this super-helpful pamphlet from the Church of Scientology plainly points out.

    And, given that they have the word, "Science" right there in the name, you know its a trusted source.
  15. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    You aren't sounding very undecided to me.
  16. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    Although at times migraine-inducing, I have developed an affinity for your posts, which are rampant with salient points and humor. Well done. As to the points above I tend to agree with you. It's not that I feel strongly that Obama is going to enact anything significant in terms of gay rights, however there is a chance, small though it may be. Do I think his 'evolution' in terms of gay rights is mainly politically motivated? Likely, but hopefully not in totality. The difference between Obama and Romney/Ryan, however, is that while there is a small chance with the former, there is no chance in hell with the others. And there we have it - slim chance or no chance; not much, but it is what it is.

    Thanks for making this place so gay friendly, by the way.
  17. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Hopefully, this place is "smart" and "funny" friendly, gay or no.

    You can thank NYYVol for any perceived "friendliness" to "the gays" on the site, as the guy is always looking to close new business.

    Credit where it's due.
  18. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    How so?
  19. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    I added that to provide an opportunity to run. In all seriousness this place is great in terms of humorous and intelligent discourse; a haven from the ignorant and illogical. For that I am greatly appreciative.
  20. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    Obama's "change of heart" on gay marriage raised him tens of millions. I was shocked myself to see it be that much. liberal californians love themselves some gays i guess. the point is I don't think obama can leave it at just saying he is for it. I think he needs to take meaningful action.

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