POLITICS Random Political/Legal

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by fl0at_, Jun 7, 2021.

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  1. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    He's stating how he felt before learning new information.
    fl0at_ likes this.
  2. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    If this is their fear they should be forcing abortions on the minorities because they are the ones havi g the lions hare of them. This decision simply hastens them to their self described doomsday scenario.
  3. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    I have a problem in that it was at a school facility and school event led by a school official who refused a reasonably alternative solution. Plus, I think it's part of an erosion effect leading somewhere more. Being on the field with players connotates something where he is establishing something religious in his capacity as coach, creating a possibility of harm.
  4. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    I'm all for getting into the nuance of these discussions.
  5. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    How many abortions are performed by your sky man as part of his plan?
  6. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    My sky man? Do you think I'm a religious person?
  7. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    I do agree that forced-birth is a more accurate description than pro life. And that we shouldn't let those people delude themselves in believing they are a paragon of virtue when they don't support helping people outside the womb.
  8. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"


    “When you look at the reason behind these terminations [after the first trimester], overwhelmingly these are for pregnancies that are problematic—a fetal anomaly, perhaps something that is incompatible with life,” Lauren Streicher, M.D., an associate professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, tells SELF. “For the most part, these are desperately desired pregnancies.”
  9. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    Never thought I'd quote Arianna Huffington. This is how [uck fay]ed up republicans are today.
  10. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Our morals have all been influenced by religion, regardless of where we see ourselves today. Even me. Even IP. Especially IP.
    IP likes this.
  11. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    Pretty much. Let's be honest here, they speak of horrific dismemberment of fetuses but don't care enough to do anything about school children being torn to unrecognizable bits by semiautomatic weapons. Just the price of firearms freedom.
  12. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Mississippi may be the answer to your question
    SetVol13 likes this.
  13. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    Well you seem to have a problem with a very small number of raw abortions after the first trimester.
  14. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Where is 800,000 coming from? If you're pulling it from that Alabama vote to remove the ban on interracial marriage, 800,000 people voted in favor of removing it.

    546,000 people voted against removing it.

    Yeah, in general, 546,000 people is a lot. But:
    • That number has likely fallen over the 22 years since the vote took place.
    • Alabama is 1 state out of 50. A Constitutional Amendment only requires that 38 states approve. Alabama is not a necessary component.
    • What percentage of our total population (329.5 million) do 546k people make up?
  15. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Possibly. They removed their ban in 1987, though.
  16. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

    Life begins at some point. After that point, there are very few reasons for which we should terminate a viable baby/fetus. That's my stance.
  17. utvol0427

    utvol0427 Chieftain

    Random question, are we going to stop removing people from life support that haven't explicitly stated that they do not want to ever be on life support? Those are lives that could be healed via Jesus magic, why should we pull the plug on those people?
  18. Indy

    Indy Pronoun Analyst

  19. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    Do you remember the Terry Shiavo shit show?
    SetVol13 and IP like this.
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    It's not about how right some are, it is about how wrong others are. That's where we have come to.
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