
Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by murrayCod, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. CD12

    CD12 Member

    Eddie was one of the better bookers of his time. I would have loved to see what he could of done with a product like TNA. As to Brad Armstrong...I use to spend my summers with an aunt who lived next to the Armstrongs and I spent a lot of time playing backyard football and the like with them. Brad was tough as nails but a helll of a nice guy. RIP BROTHER.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2012
  2. Volguy1971

    Volguy1971 Sith Lord

    Vince has toned WWE down to a PG level.....However, TNA iMpact has been bringing the Attitude era back again....I like it more than WWE at this point.
  3. yont sum iss?

    yont sum iss? Contributor


    Good stuff here. HBK doing work.

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