POLITICS Trump in 2020

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by Tenacious D, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!

    Do you want these liberals to riot?!
  2. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    I have no idea what they *mean* when they say defund the police. I think it means break the current model and rebuild fit for purpose. Demilitarization is a part of it.

    I'm trying not to dismiss offhand, but it's hard not to when you hear "defund the police."
  3. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Trump is going to have to take things by the horn to win.

    Things have to stabilize or he's going to get blown out.
  4. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    I am voting for Trump again because I like his policies and would also like to see him get to appoint one more supreme court judge (if that happens). Do I like everything he says, absolutely not but sometimes you have to separate the art from the artist.

    I also believe Biden has a much better chance of winning than Hillary did.
  5. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Y’all are thinking that this election will be decided on nuance.

  6. Butthole

    Butthole Chieftain

    I don't know which thread to put this in. It deserves to be in all of them. It's so awesome. You ain't black.

  7. Ssmiff

    Ssmiff Went to the White House...Again

  8. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    What a curse it is, to see the world so clearly.

  9. warhammer

    warhammer Chieftain

    If it's liberals who have a hard on for tax money to spend with reckless abandon, there ain't hardly nothing left in Washington but liberals then.
  10. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    Love the Wakanda Sash. Did they stand up and do the arms across the chest salute?
  11. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Black twitter wasn't too happy with their tokenism and wearing Chinese made African clothing.
  12. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

  13. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    They shouldn't. It was silly pandering of the highest sort.
  14. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Seemed like they want to end gangs and drug violence in their communities too and tired of them being afraid to call that out
  15. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

  16. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    There’s also a photo of pelosi’s name tag where she kneeled. I thought photo ops were bad?
  17. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Photo ops are not bad. Clearing out peaceful protesters using not peaceful means is bad.

    So, photo op good. Force against not force bad. Tylenol for any headaches due to thoughts, at the moment.
  18. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Also, this was a bad photo op. So should amend to say many photo ops are good, but not all.
  19. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    Whoever decided they dress that way should be [itch bay]-slapped.
  20. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    I’m pretty much against all of them

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