VN Gripes: The Complete Anthology

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by justingroves, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    An alumnus, if you will.
  2. MaconVol

    MaconVol Chieftain

    Quannah Parker?
  3. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    Can we add to the list that OCI/Sab and others are coming here, using Tenn Ds and Groves information and sources, and claiming it to be their own for E-cred?
  4. Jrobison

    Jrobison New Member

    Count me a VN convert. I'm not much on insider info...very few sources...but that place has turned into a twilight zone episode of Vol Calls. I had wondered for a while where hat, scribbly, jt, tenacious d and the like had gone. So glad to have found this site. I've been over there for 4 or so years, but mainly did my posting when Kiffin was around. I enjoy guys like Montrell, sbv and jayvols....but I could do without the dumbassery of it all.
  5. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    Well, we're dumbasses but we tend to hide it well. Welcome
  6. lylsmorr

    lylsmorr Super Moderator

    Exactly. I have to use a thesaurus when posting here
  7. Jrobison

    Jrobison New Member

    My favorite threads were the morons that would make it their mission to call out hat about everything. He called BPs used car salesman approach for years. Didn't take long to realize he was right. Bball forum is the crapper without lawvol, bpv (still posts, I think) and hat.
  8. Jrobison

    Jrobison New Member

    Scumbag...through and through...his breaking news thread today was the tipping point for me.
  9. Montrell

    Montrell New Member

    As usual they are way late to the party on VN. Hilarious they are now trying to backtrack and act like they have sources on all this Gruden stuff. Those morons laughed a me a month ago when I brought them info about the entire situation. I dont think any of the guys on that site have any kind of inside sources to boosters, coaches, people in UTAD or players. VQ is even worse.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012
  10. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    They've run off most all the posters with connections.
  11. Montrell

    Montrell New Member

    I've noticed that as well. Luckily some of the guys got ahold of me and told me about this site. This is a far better site with far better posters.
  12. RoadTrip

    RoadTrip New Member

    Law and Jay were the ones that got me over here. And I profusely thank them. My brain damage was worsening at VN, if that is possible. Now when I go back, not near as frequently, I go back on a mission of mercy and to have some fun.
  13. bfarvol88

    bfarvol88 New Member

    So I found the 8th mentioned on the Gruden to Tennessee facebook page last week. I rarely post on VN because it is very hard to dig through all the bs. With that being said, my name over there is Tn Tech Volunteer. People ask if i'm Da'Rick.....could have some fun with that. I have no inside sources or anything but I do have some friends that are pulling Van Wilder at UT so they have player connections and what not. Anyways this site is much better so thought I might start posting. Chucky now!!!
  14. vol_in_ar

    vol_in_ar Member

    probably having Dinner with Fulmer
  15. The Sabanocchio

    The Sabanocchio The real OCI

    I have noticed that. That gets on my nerves and I've called him out about it but my post was deleted.
  16. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    I dropped a "TOOS" over there. That one got axed pretty quick.
  17. CD12

    CD12 Member

    I had three removed in 20 seconds!
  18. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    So petty. It's both funny and sad that so many over there think that is the well from which all the Gruden information sprung.
  19. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

  20. reVOLt

    reVOLt Contributor

    You get any infractions? That happened to me last week dropping hints about this site and ended up temp banned until the end 31st... The only thing that tickedyme off is it didn't say which mod did it.

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