Hercules checkmates atheists

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by IP, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Do those dbag friends do proper maintenance? I was told once by a mechanic that a lot of people neglect maintenance because they think it "electric," therefore doesn't require it.
  2. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    many even take it to the dealership.
  3. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

  4. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    What if I personally believe that murder is wrong, and should be illegal? Rape? Theft?

    The Bible speaks against all of those things, and each are closely held religious beliefs. Following your logic, all Christians should abandon their opposition to these things, for fear of risking mandating our beliefs upon others. Or, must we find some other and secondary value of what is right and what is wrong, besides anything affiliated with religion, in order to oppose them?

    I very much appreciate that you've nominated yourself as the Deciding One, and have volunteered to draw all necessary lines for everyone, insofar as to what they should / should not do with whatever beliefs they may or may not hold - so, I'll stop arguing with you as to your clearest understanding on this issue. Instead, I'll merely try to gauge the boundaries of those lines which you feel are best, and necessary.
  5. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Do you mean to insinuate that this Republic is not set-upon the very foundation of majority rule, in all but the most unique and extreme examples, and/or at the risk of the infringement of other rights and liberties?

    If so, then I'll offer the same challenge to you as I did to IP, when he just as laughably suggested this earlier: please explain to me how voting works, and the significance of its outcomes - in every branch, and on every level of our government.
  6. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Of the two of us, there's only one who suggested that this government does not operate off of a majority rule.

    **Hint: the correct answer begins with "I" and ends with "t's not me"

    I'm neither trying to belittle nor bully you, IP. I'm sorry and apologize, without equivocation, if such has been the case.

    I'll withdraw.
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    It would make sense that one believes taking someone else's life, property, or freedom is wrong.

    Please stop with the "following your logic." You are apparently unable to follow my logic, so quit claiming to be doing so. I never claimed one's personal beliefs can't be informed by their religion. I said forcing others to conform to their religion is wrong. News flash: murder, theft, etc was considered wrong before the Bible was written. It is considered wrong in most cultures. You can believe Moses brought the laws down from on high and pretend like there were none on Earth before, but that doesn't mean you get to force that notion on to everyone else.

    The extreme irony here is that while you sarcastically appreciate me nominating myself as the "Deciding One," that is exactly what one is doing when they use "god's word" to settle a disagreement. What you are doing is attempting to make a point by inverting the roles we each have. You already said I was powerless in a Christian majority. But now you are accusing me of being the Deciding One? Which is it? Am I hiding or dictating? Your narrative is crumbling.
  8. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

  9. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    You're not suggesting that people necessarily get their morality from religion, are you? Because I would disagree wholeheartedly with that notion, just as I would the idea that opposition to murder or rape is based upon one's devotion to their religion.
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    The government is not run purely off of majority rule. This is a fact. If it were, why are there 3 branches of government with checks and balances? Why is there a constitution?

    I'm sorry Tenny, but I have a hard time believing that you were not trying to belittle or bully. Go back and look at how you discussed atheists in the contexts of this country and tell me that isn't textbook bullying.
  11. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I can imagine how you would like for the narrative to be crumbling.

    I stand by my posts in this matter, to the letter, and trust them to speak for themselves, having withdrawn.
  12. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Should I apologize, again? I'm uncertain as to how many times an atheist needs to be asked for forgiveness before granting it, but I am happy to do so as many times as it may be required or preferred, if necessary, or in any way which helps you to accept it.
  13. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Oh, they do indeed speak for themselves. Majority rules. If you don't like it get out. America.
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I don't need an apology, I just question the sincerity. I mean, you obviously mean everything you say. Anyone who is not a Christian is merely a client citizen of a great culture. If they don't like it, they should leave. Sounds like a caliphate.
  15. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    We don't need religion to tell us murder, rape, theft is wrong.
  16. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    what? impossible.
  17. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    The black man in the jail cell late at night in the 1920's listening to the majority (mob) shout for him to be delivered into their hands was grateful the sheriff followed the laws of the republic as opposed to the majority (mob).
  18. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    The point was someone else telling you what you should or shouldn't be voting for. Its my opinion and my vote.
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    What happens when your opinion and vote is not in the majority, it all is fair game?
  20. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    That's life.

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