Homeless Lady With 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs To Pay For All My Children’

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by SavageOrangeJug, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. HA! The 'hood doesn't bother me. I grew up about the worst neighborhood in town.

    That's why I don't buy into that racism and affirmative action crap. I went to the same Jr. High school as the Black kids. East Side Jr. High, oldest Jr. High east of the Mississippi. They finally closed it and tore that decrepit old building down.

    In the 9th grade at Christmas break, we got bussed. Forced bussing. I went to a school that was 80% Black. It was a new building. Hell, we didn't know how to act. All the water fountains and toilets even worked.
  2. volfanjo

    volfanjo Chieftain

    I grew up around farming but found myself living in an area called Strawberry Mansion in North Philadelphia for about three years. I actually loved living there, but needless to say I've "seen some things". Once you live there, though, no place will ever scare or rattle you that much.
  3. That is just one building that is maintained because it is a family business. that restaurant is about 2 miles from Number 10 on this list. The area it is in, isn't much better.

    25 most dangerous neighborhoods 2010 - DailyFinance
  4. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Holy shit, you get worse with each post. The racism bit is [uck fay]ing ridiculous. REAGAN WAS FAMOUS FOR TELLING A BULLSHIT STORY ABOUT A BLACK "WELFARE QUEEN" THAT DIDN'T EXIST. That's not me being racist, I'm referring to a specific lie by a Republican manipulating racist beliefs to his advantage. How obvious does it have to be for you to understand?

    Of course, I should not be surprised that you clearly lack the ability to get your head out of your ass when you clearly cannot understand the fundamental concept of traditional Southern Democrats now being Republicans. You have also never addressed the concept of the Southern Strategy by Nixon and the Republicans, likely because it demonstrates the weakness in your fallacious arguments. In the 1800s, I would have been a Republican and you a Democrat, because they were the opposite political philosophies than they represent now. At some point you need to open up a middle school history book and face this fact. I am done schooling you on this matter.

    And, my degrees? BA from Tennessee, 2001, Dr. Stephen Ash, adviser. MA from UW-Milwaukee, 2006. Master's thesis on Acculturation at the Tomah Indian Boarding School. Of course, my two (actually three, but anyway) degrees aren't required for me to see through your typical Republican reification of the welfare concept as abject racism. It's just as ridiculous as any of your pitiful arguments.
  5. You have schooled no one with your ignorant views or revisionist history. Play your victim act elsewhere. Evil Ol' Whitey is no longer buying, and that wears your ass out.
  6. Point blank: Unimane, keep voting for Democrats, and they'll keep minorities right where you seem content to have them. Wearing that welfare yoke. You should set up an in home shrine to LBJ and his Great Society.
  7. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    LBJ's change to a welfare system is not a high point in our history. I have no problem whatsoever having a system to help someone through a rough patch. Anyone worth their salt would be willing to do community service or something similar for their assistance. It's those that are unwilling (not unable) to help themselves that gets me. Some people work harder at getting out of work than they would if they would just go ahead and work. I don't favor cutting the system out completely, but I know that it is long overdue for a complete gutting and remodel based on some common sense.
  8. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    Teaching has made me hate welfare.
  9. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    The funny thing is that I've not played the victim card, nor spoke in favor of welfare anywhere here. It's another line you have made up in your absurd arguments, just like the racism bit. I have repeatedly stated the Republicans lost the vote of blacks purposely in the 60s and 70s in order to gain Southern white voters, which is factual and documented from Richard Nixon. The Republican National Committee Chairman had to apologize for it within the last 5 years.

    Hell, I'll even take a quote easily lifted from wikipedia (sourced from an interview with the NY Times), probably the most basic search tool available, and quote the Nixon political strategist in 1970:

    "From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

    It's not my fault you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. The funny thing is, I'm not really much of a Democrat. I find that they are too limp wristed, paper liberals. However, Republicans are often just dangerous and too backward thinking, so my vote goes to the Democrats by default, except for those occasions where a third party vote fitting my viewpoints has a real effect. Those times like in 2000, when I voted for Nader and the smattering of times I have voted Green Party.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
  10. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Teaching has made me resent a lot of it as well.
  11. You claim three degrees and quote wiki as a source?

    Reagan may have used a parabale about a Black Welfare Queen, but God knows it is hard to find them in reality.

    Republicans did not purposely lose a voting bloc they worked so hard to capture (Voting Rights Act). That is absolutely ludicrous. Democrats pandered the Black vote with taxpayer money. They are still pandering with socialist programs.

    AFDC the figures (from 2007):

    White 38.8%
    Black 39.8
    Hispanic 15.7
    Asian 2.4
    other 3.3

    When broke down into population percentages.

    On welfare
    5% of Whites
    11% of Hispanics
    28% of Blacks
  12. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    How did I know that you would try and say I quoted wiki? I mean, your ineptness knows no bounds. It's an interview excerpt from the New York Times that I demonstrated was in the most basic search avenue available (wiki) on the internet. I mean, I quoted a specific quote by a Republican official saying they specifically were courting whites with anti-black attitudes and you still can't seem to understand the idea. I'm at a loss. Plus, the Voting Rights Act was from Johnson, a Democrat. It just never ends with your failure, does it?

    And, oh yes, Reagan was lying, but it's ok because we all know that a bunch of black people are on welfare, so it doesn't matter, right?

  13. I knew that was coming. The Race Card!

    Let's talk racism. When 96% of Blacks voted for Obama, that is racism. Voting for a person because of their color, is just as racist as voting against them because of their color.

    The last time a candidate received a percentage of the vote that high from one color, his name was David Duke.

    [uck fay] you and your overt racism.
  14. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Ok, now you are either [uck fay]ing with me or just the dumbest person on this board. A three year old could pick out the saRcasm in my statement.

    And, Republicans aren't a race, you twit. Blacks can't be racist against them.
  15. I said Republicans were a race? Where? What part of this were you too stupid to comprehend?

  16. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Blacks voted for Obama at the same rate they always do for Democrats, this has been established already. But, if we're going to play this game.....

    You realize that all demographic groups voted at, essentially, the same rate in 2008 as they did in 2008. That is, except one group, white southern men, who voted at a 20% lower rate for the Democrat in 2008 than in 2004. Why is this?
  17. Unqualified, incompetent, racist, megalomaniac, liar, with a case of malignant narcissism for a Democratic candidate.

    In 2004 88% of Blacks voted Democrat. In 2008 96% voted Democrat. Why the jump?

    Also, in 2008 Blacks turned out at the polls in unprecedented numbers. Blacks who had never voted were suddenly interested in voting. Why?
  18. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Because they were inspired that a person from their community was finally representing them and felt he would address concerns they had within their community they felt had been ignored.

    Yes, and I'm sure your bullshit reason was why southern white men were the only group to significantly change the voting pattern. And, again, you pull the racism card. It seems as if black people are the most racist group of people in the country and a big bunch of freeloaders, according to you.
  19. Right! White men don't vote for Obama, it's racism. Blacks vote for Obama in droves, it's not racism.

    By "person from their community" you mean "person with Black skin".

    You still don't understand. Voting for a person because of their color, is just as racist as voting against them because of their color.

    Blacks are as racist as ANYONE in this country, if not more so.

    I'll bet if it were reversed, and a White player was being accused of racism, Al, Jesse, and Barack would have all chimed in by now.

    Buckeye linebacker calls foul on race-baiting Gators - Dr. Saturday - NCAAF*Blog - Yahoo! Sports

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