Iranian Navy threatens, fires warning shots at cargo ship

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by lylsmorr, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Not to oversimplify (or overstate) things, but the USN sometimes has a different idea of when to intervene, and how, than the State Dept. may prefer or suggest. It's not on-the-fly international relations, per se, as I'm sure that some flag officer shot off a some point...but some situations don't allow for a thorough or complete dialogue.

    A naval carrier group has a tremendous degree of autonomy, all things considered.
  2. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Imagine you're in a bar with a Bama fan and an LSU fan. The Bama fan starts picking a fight with the LSU guy. You go over and knock the shit out of the Bama fan.

    You didn't do that out of some allegiance to the LSU fan...but because they just happened to provide a convenient excuse for you to do what you already wanted to do.

    The hat / flag isn't always the impetus for action, in whole or in part.
  3. syndicate

    syndicate Well-Known Member

  4. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    And, directly to the point of the OP article, not only do I hope that the Iranians show their naval might, but I hope that they are joined by the Chinese and Russian navies, too. Unfortunately, they're likely too smart to step on that field, being averse to playing when someone is keeping score. Better to just keep the myth of your "superiority" alive, by sniping from the sidelines.
  5. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Technically true, but my point stands.
  6. syndicate

    syndicate Well-Known Member

    If every navy on earth grew balls overnight and wanted to take the USN on, I'd still like our chances.
  7. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Without coming off as some ball-swinging Navy-loving hubris, I'll simply say: smart bet.

    Not. Even. Close.
  8. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    I imagine the closest thing to our navy was pre-1992 USSR Navy? And even then, I think ours kicks the shit out of the Soviets.

    The US Navy is the single most powerful military force ever conceived. The ability to project targeted force (as opposed to the Air Force's ICBM/B-52 nuclear force) is staggering.
  9. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    You mock, but you've never seen them deploy the water skiers.
  10. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    While I'm not at all familiar with the other branches, I have no reason to suspect that they don't also possess such an astoundingly large advantage, and every strategic initiative, as the Navy definitely enjoys.

    A tip of the cap to the other branches, for sure, but it also has the convenience of being true.

    BPV and others could expound on this, if necessary.
  11. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Hopefully they don't bring out their naval air power (paragliding) or stealth technology (paddle boards).
  12. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    I agree.

    I think what makes the US Military so powerful, ultimately, is the combination of all the branches. You have unparallelled insertion abilities by stealth air craft that can knock out an enemies radar and ground based operations in the first 24 hours of engagement (Air Force), the ability to project incredible payloads of destruction anywhere in the world (Navy/Marines) and the ability to occupy ground with overpowering mechanized units (Army).

    It is a testament to the US that we have not used it more than we have.

    But I do believe the US Navy, because of the unique ability to simply move tonnage around, has the ability to project force better than any other military unit in the world. But I am no war historian nor have I ever served, so please take this as a simply outsider looking in.
  13. BearCat204

    BearCat204 Chieftain

    The Navy brings the war to you via sea or air.........which makes it very unique and different (better) than any other force in the history of the planet.
  14. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    Plus they warm bunk.
  15. BearCat204

    BearCat204 Chieftain

    Ummmmm, the correct term is "hot rack"
  16. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    That doesn't make it any better.
  17. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    In fact, that sounds worse.
  18. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    Unless you're talking a woman's hooters.
  19. zero-sum

    zero-sum New Member

  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Water ski troopers.

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