POLITICS NY Republican Congressman Indicted for Securities Fraud

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by emainvol, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Exactly. We have the tech for 10,000 or 1,000,000 reps.
  2. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    How would you debate anything, or bring anything to the floor for a vote?

    Would be hell.
  3. lylsmorr

    lylsmorr Super Moderator

    Get rid of filibustering, for starters.
  4. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Digitally, and orderly. Just like with several 100 members.
  5. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    You cannot filibuster in the House as it is now, as you only have a limited time to talk, no matter what.
  6. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    It would suck.
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Why should legislation be easy?
  8. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I don't mind the filibuster, per se. It's one of the only tools a minority has, whoever is in the minority.

    What I oppose is how the modern filibuster works. You just say, we're filibustering. If either group wants to filibuster, they should be made to do it old-school. The side filibustering would have to take the Senate floor and hold it throughout the filibuster. Some filibusters resulted in reading from phone books and such. The record time is 24 hrs 18 minutes when Strom Thurmond was filibustering a 1957 Civil Rights bill. He was allowed a bathroom break, I think.

    After he stopped, the vote could be held. The modern filibuster sucks. Make them work for it. Imho, of course.
    IP likes this.
  9. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I'm REALLY pissed about this now. This Collins deal was over an MS drug failing trials.

    Mother [uck fay]er....
  10. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    I think making laws is supposed to be hell. I'd argue it's too easy today, so you get what has morphed into our current system.

    With that many seats a third or even more parties would could maybe get a chance to get a foot hold.
    IP likes this.
  11. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    I know in the end, my life will not change based on what is twatted by Trump, The Kardashians, or the retarded masses that can't think for themselves.
    I know this year I won't be taxed on my insurance benefit as if it was income, and I know my taxes will be less this year. Does it mean anything in the KMF house that the United States owes the world a gazillion dollars? No. Does anything change at my house that the Russians or Bernie, or Trump said this or that? No. I stopped watching the news a while back, I don't [vagina], I go in my garage and make stuff and complain about cuts on my fingers.
    zehr27 likes this.
  12. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    So, government of the people, by the people, and for the people means nothing so long as I get mine?

    Just want to make sure that's the message here.

    If not, I'd like to better understand. Seriously.

    If so, thank God the folks who have/do/will serve our country didn't/don't/won't feel this way every time we've needed them. Imagine Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Solerno, Anzio, Omaha Beach, and Bastogne if The Greatest Generation didn't care that a foreign country messed with America.
  13. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

  14. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    You want to take it to that extreme, that's ok, I'll take it to the other. No, I do not want to pay for one person to get anything free. If you can physically work, your ads needs to do just that. You want to go the military route, ok, there is no reason all these kids that want free college and free insurance and free housing can't just join the military.

    And that was the greatest generation, I agree 1000 percent. That generation worked their asses off to get what they needed. They didn't need a 3000 sq ft house, they didn't need a Mercedes, and they damn sure didn't need tattoos and LBJ shoes before they needed a bologna sandwich
  15. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    Sure is nice to hit the white person lottery so that I can look down on others who didn’t with stereotypes and assumptions.
  16. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Ignoring the racist comment that wasn’t made, are you alleging there aren’t hordes of Americans spending money on frivolous shit and taking government handouts to cover food?
    justingroves likes this.
  17. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I was seriously asking what was meant by it & gave responses to both possibilities. I just let you know how it came across to me. I admitted that I could have misinterpreted.

    I don't think you're a bad person. At all. I think you're a helluva guy, actually. I was bummed when we couldn't get a meet together when I was in Ft. Lauderdale. I am of a mind that, for whatever reason, you don't really mean all that about never paying for something for someone else. You're frustrated, and I truly get that.

    As to this post, I agree with you on work. I don't just say that. I live it, but everyone can't join the military. They won't take everyone in our current all volunteer force.

    My thoughts are that we don't exist on an island. Everyone can't win all the time, but I see nothing wrong with helping someone else have an opportunity at winning. If it takes giving support to someone while also helping them be able to learn skills needed to get a decent job and support themselves, I'm good with that. It will benefit everyone in the end.

    I've lived the college nightmare. My dad was totally disabled from MS after 25 years as a maintenance man in a glass factory. My mom was a teacher in the lowest paying system in the state. They sent 2 sons to college, at the same time, on less than $25,000/year. Through their hard work & sacrifice, as well as my brother's and my own contributions of the same, and a little bit of gov't aid, we were able to make it through. We ate Ramen too many times to count, but we made it with some help. The result of all that is 2 men now paying taxes on our combined salaries of around $130,000/year....my brother's salary making up the largest portion of that, unfortunately. I think the combined 50+ years worth of taxes we've paid has more than made up for anything we got "for free".

    I've also lived the insurance nightmare, even while I was working the whole time. So did my dad. I'll just say this, it's terrifying to be sick or have a family member sick, some seriously so, while still working your ass off as much as capable and still have to worry whether or not you can get the medical care that's needed. It's my sincere, heart-felt prayer that no one else has to ever go through that. Ever.

    I just believe that a rising tide will lift all boats. Sorry if you felt I went extreme. It was not intended to be mean-spirited.
  18. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    Define hoards.
  19. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    Jay, I hope you know i think you are one of the best human beings on the planet. I absolutely think we should help people, single mother, working, struggling? Hell yeah, help her all day and all night. But in the same breath, I can't say I want a lady that can't afford to have a baby to have one because she knows we will pay for it. A kid needs help paying for college, I know a lot of kids that work part time and still found a way to make it. I know some of you guys on the board are a lot of ramon noodle and mac and cheese to make it. So can't feel sorry for everyone not able to go, and, you went and now can't find a job making 250K? It's not my problem. There are so many people able to take care of themselves but just don't want to. People do not need steak and lobster, or even Coke and pizza to live. If people are truly hungry, put a brown spot on a slice of bologna and put it on that cheap ass 2 pound loaf of white bread like we did when we were younger. I have a 2000 sq ft house and I make good money. If a person can't afford a house like mine, they need to live in a 1200 sq ft house, not two houses down the road from me. I drive a 2010 Chevy, and it pissed me off to get rid of my 2002. People do not need to drive 70K suburbans.

    On a separate note, I absolutely think we should have health insurance provided by the government, if places like the Bahamas can figure it out, there's no reason we can't either. I just suggest we cut other stuff instead of raising taxes again.

    I worked almost 2000 hours of overtime last year. That's 2000 plus the regular 2080 of regular time. And I think I should be entitled to live a little better life than someone that works at Dunkin Donuts. I think I should pay the same percentage of my check as the Dunkin Donuts guy too.

    Anyway, I think we are a lot alike Jay, and I think you are a fantastic human being like most of the guys here. I just feel like I should live a little better life than some with the sacrifices I make through the year.
    lylsmorr likes this.
  20. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    That’s when one collects things to an unreasonable degree.

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