POLITICS President Trump: 100+ Mornings After (Term 1 Complete)

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by IP, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. vols4sure

    vols4sure Member

    Don't like the conclusion then the results must be "speculative"?
  2. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    No, that isn't it at all. It just simply isn't a "clock." Let me spin it another way for you. How do we know it wasn't 2 ancestors who were each 1/16th native american, rather than a full one 10 generations ago?

    We don't.
  3. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    You said "she actually may be a lot more native American". Thus the reason for the question, is there another may attached to that. If thats the case, she may not be.

    Her stumping that for career and political gain is hilarious regardless.
  4. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Does anyone have pictures of native American ancestors if you have any in your line?

    I actually have a good one that survived in a Bible for 60 years.
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    No. She's at least 1/1024th New World.

    I don't think she is stumping. She is trying to get this addressed prior to a run. She is actually ruffling feathers of Native Americans and their allies, which are overwhelmingly liberal. They don't like the idea of "genetic proof," because it insinuates some are "more" than others or puts like a "purity" test into it when many tribes freely adopted members of other tribes, people of mixed races, etc over the last 200 years. Federally recognized tribes take their sovereignty very seriously, and in this sort of thing undermines it.

    EDIT: the above is my understanding, I may have it wrong. That is the way I understand it from reading and talking to people of native descent. I freely admit I do not always understand their positions. I am just an American dude of European descent.
  6. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    Lots of mudbloods in here.
    NorrisAlan likes this.
  7. vols4sure

    vols4sure Member

    NM. I think I see the distinction you are getting at with your hypothetical.
    doolmeonce likes this.
  8. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    So she lied.
    justingroves and zehr27 like this.
  9. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    She's at least but "may" be no more than 1/1024th New World? Not, she may not be at all.

    To the bold, why she is having to address this prior to a run is my point.
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Ya, I saw your original response and understand where you were coming from in terms of the expert. But right there from him, he's talking about "no earlier than 6th" but saying more likely 10th. Which is all I am saying, is that there is a degree of uncertainty. And then there is how one personally weighs that uncertainty.

    She's got the genes, but that doesn't make her "Cherokee" anymore than if I had a Chinese great great grandfather I'd be Asian. I get that. There is some grey in this, depending on exactly how one phrases things.
  11. lumberjack4

    lumberjack4 Chieftain

    I saw a joke where Trump should donate $976.56 to the charity of Warren's choice (1/1024 of a million)
    justingroves likes this.
  12. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    If she lifted recipes and claimed them as family ones, and said, "I am a Cherokee," yes. If she said she was of Cherokee descent and someone in the office posted her as "Cherokee," no. If she said "I am a minority because I am Cherokee," I'd say yes.

    You may not agree that there is any line of distinction.
  13. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Okay, that is funny.
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Okay ya, you could phrase it that way. But again, 1/1024th doesn't like refer to anything but genetic material, not necessarily race.

    Because she is going to be beaten over the head with it and it probably makes her nationally unelectable. Don't you think? So if she wants to run, it has to be sitting in another place than it was (or is).
  15. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    I can see why she's addressing it from a political standpoint.

    My point was that she open that can herself.
  16. NYY

    NYY Super Moderator

    I'd love to see JayVols DNA tested. Probably 1/1000th of everything.
    CardinalVol and justingroves like this.
  17. vols4sure

    vols4sure Member

    According to the article/professor, the 6th gen is the earliest for a "pure" Native American ancestor. I understood your hypothetical to be a "what if" her "pure" ancestor(s) go back 6-10 generations but more recently two "non-pure" ancestors got together. I do not believe that is consistent with her claims and I have no idea how that would affect the percentages, but I will give you that your hypothetical (as I understood it) may be possible given the "pure" limitation to the professor's 6-10 generations ago conclusion.
  18. bostonvol

    bostonvol Chieftain

    Pretty good

    VolDad and GahLee like this.
  19. GahLee

    GahLee Director of Conspiracy Theories, 8th Maxim

    Just came to post this....amazing. she has about as much native American blood as she does golden retriever.

    It is a long line of absolute losers positioning themselves for the dems spot in 2020. She is just a part of that line.
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Back in 1984.

    My gut tells me she Indian princessed it for attention or to just be something "special," embellishing something or maybe even parrotting something she had been told growing up. But there is obviously a chasm of difference between having something on the family tree and "being" that. I think Americans typically dismiss anything less than 1/32, since most of us have some mix of nationality or ethnicity, so I don't think she is being treated differently right now. But wording matters. I can't accurately say I am French Canadian, even though my mother is. If I spoke fluent French and culturally identified with it, I could. So I don't think she is cherokee. I think she has native american ancestry, like I have Quebecois ancestry.

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