POLITICS President Trump: 100+ Mornings After (Term 1 Complete)

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by IP, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I’m not transgendered, and as such, don’t know how I can speculate as to their motivations, as you’ve now twice asked me to do.

    What if there’s biological evidence? Show me, I guess. I already have proof of how sex is determined, so hopefully, it can beat that. Until then, what if a meteor hits the earth? What if God is a woman?

    And I’d urge caution at your presuming my own elementary understanding or sophomoric arguments, sir. Or, educate me - start with how a man feeling like a woman changes the reality of his being a male, and work outwards from there.

    But as of my understanding now, the idea that feeling like any sex other than that which is biologically determined is pure, unequivocal rubbish, just as I said before, and am most content to still stand upon.

    I can’t believe I’m the only one saying it, tbh. But that’s ok, too.
  2. Volst53

    Volst53 Super Moderator

    That’s the great thing about freedom.

    They should get all the same and equal rights as anyone else.

    If they’re born that way or it’s a decision they run with later in life, doesn’t make the first damn bit of difference.
    The Dooz likes this.
  3. JudgmentVol

    JudgmentVol Chieftain

    Well, your self-prescribed sophomoric argument ignores or is completely unaware of syndromes that allow for XX males (De la Chapelle syndrome), XY females (Swyer Syndrome), XXY males (Klinefelter Syndrome), and XXXY Syndromes to exist.

    There are non-human mammals that lack a Y chromosome completely such as the Transcaucasian mole vole-- meaning all males have an XX chromosome set.

    The sexual fluidity of fish is well-documented and honestly fascinating. They transition from female to male where species undergo massive physical changes, increased aggression, and develop testes. Here's a link for a good, short read: https://ourblueplanet.bbcearth.com/blog/?article=incredible-sex-changing-fish-from-blue-planet

    So when I say there are batshit crazy things in nature, it's not an accusation toward you, but a verified observation of nature. More importantly, when we "feel" things, every "feeling" we perceive is a direct, biological consequence involving millions of variables in our bodies including, but not limited to, the hormones that course throughout our bodies. In the case of Swyer Syndrome, these chromosomal abnormalities express themselves in the SRY gene by effectively having "switches" that aren't flipped a certain way. Certain variations don't permit androgen receptors in cells, and in turn, they don't have the culturally-accepted "male" growth hormones in their growth process which inhibits primary and secondary sex characteristics from developing in varying ways.

    So in this process, an XY human presents as a female and is genetically male. I don't claim to have an answer to this question of their "real" sexuality, but feel free to chime in with whether or not these women are the men you've purported them to be.

    While you're at it, please clarify what it is you find "rubbish" about trans people & how they feel, and how their feelings aren't direct results of their biological makeup, if you would.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  4. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I don’t know anything about this. Haven’t seen or heard the first bit.

    I don’t know where this was, or why in the world any sailor / soldier would just “show up” anywhere that the POTUS was, without having been invited, and expected to get in. It’d be like a soldier showing up at the White House and asking to go in and attend a State Dinner or see POTUS. So that bit sounds out of bounds.

    That security at any event would know to let this command insignia in, but not that one, also seems far-fetched.

    That someone in Trump’s admin would seek to snub the memory of McCain by not inviting the crew of his namesake’s ship, wouldn’t at all be surprising, tbh. Of course, it’d be about as reasonable as my refusing to allow students of Farragut High from eating at my diner, because I was angry and wanted to besmirch the memory of the long-deceased Admiral Farragut.

    To say they loathed one another is an understatement. Some would say that McCain is personally responsible for having tried to actively sabotage Trump / his Admin. But even this is to seem to defend this, if it happened, and which I do not wish to do, as it’s really and ultimately indefensible.

    I’ll look into it.
  5. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Absolutely. Go nuts or be nuts, as long as it’s legally permitted and causes no harm to others.
  6. Savage Orange

    Savage Orange I need ammunition, not a ride. -V Zelensky.

    You libertarian, you!
  7. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Are you saying that these conditions cause transgenderism? Is that a correct summary of what you intend in citing each of those conditions, or do I misunderstand?

    We aren’t fish. Orangutans rape each other with impunity - should humans? Male seahorses give birth. I’m unconcerned with the animal kingdom beyond humans, and unmoved by their experiences and antics, tbh.

    Feelings are a biological consequence, as is every scintilla of everything that humans do, see, think, smell, experience, etc. There’s nothing unique about those experiences to transgendered persons, separate from any other human, and by definition. This should cover my feelings on the “rubbish” quality of transgenderism, from a biological standpoint.

    I unequivocally reject any argument with a premise that alleges, suggests, pertains to, insinuates or alludes to a person’s sex being in any way predicted upon or affected by a person’s feelings. Because it simply isn’t true, or even possible.

    And I also reject any assertion that gender is a necessary or suitable substitute for a person’s sex, and which is both readily determined and unchanging.

    Any argument to the contrary is, as a matter of course, also rubbish.
  8. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I’ve been accused of that, and it stings anew, each time.

    I’d hope to be more nuanced and indiscernible, than that.
  9. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    POTUS’ statement seems transparent and true, particularly for Trump. He’s admitted to much more outlandish pettiness than this, and I don’t think he’d shy away from this one. Hell, his comments quickly turn into a recounting of (mostly) everything that he hated about McCain...which is an odd way to apologize for whatever someone in his Admin may have done or said. I think he’s being honest when he says that he neither knew nor cared if he saw the ship bearing McCain’s name, but can understand if others can’t.

    Totally blind-assed guessing here, but I’d put money on it being one of his sons, if I had to wager a guess.

    Link: https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-whoever-ordered-uss-john-s-mccain-hidden-was-well-meaning
  10. JudgmentVol

    JudgmentVol Chieftain

    No. It was counter to the basic premise that "X=girl" and "Y=boy".

    And my question is why? You cite biological reasons that aren't consistent with reality and I'm presenting extra cases to strengthen that point. My goal here is to get you to more specifically identify what constitutes "male" and "female". Those explicit terms are used in the same exact references and scenarios for humans and non-human animals alike. Explain to me the differences of a male XX human and/or Transcaucasian mole vole and an XY male according to your definition.

    So your opinion is that feelings don't count. Okay, so what does? Does having a child make someone a woman? Nah. Estrogen? Males have that, too. Ovaries? They're non-existent in some females and present in some males. Double X chromosomes? Well, we've established that males exist with an XX chromosome set. What, from a biological standpoint excludes or includes a person as a male or female if we have these cases that defy these definitions?
  11. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    The XY stuff was your premise, and not mine.

    Humans and animals are inherently different. I gave a few examples as to why, amongst many.

    Why do I need to make your argument? You’re claiming that a man’s sex changes to that of a woman based on his feeling that such is true, or more preferred. I’m saying that’s patently, obviously, empirically, resoundingly, scientifically and easily proven to be untrue.

    Did you miss my asking that you confirm my understanding of your claim that the conditions which you previously cited were the causal agent for transgenderism? I think that’s an important point, either way, but we probably need to be clear on its significance, if any, and from the outset.
  12. JudgmentVol

    JudgmentVol Chieftain

    You're not making any argument, is my point. You're continually avoiding to make the most basic, foundational definition to the discussion in: "What is a male" and "What is a female".
  13. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Oh, sorry.

    A person’s sex is determined by their chromosomes, entirely and unchangingly alone. As such, it cannot be either predicated upon or in any way affected or influenced by personal feelings, sentiment, wishful thinking, pixie dust, stomping your feet, Adele’s new album, however wishful and sincerely felt.

    No more than a diabetic can hope their sugar low, or impotence can be cured by repeatedly long and heaving sobs of disappointment (trust me on the latter), etc. etc., et al.

    Did you miss my asking that you confirm my understanding of your claim that the conditions which you previously cited were the causal agent for transgenderism? I think that’s an important point, either way, but we probably need to be clear on its significance, if any, and from the outset.
  14. JudgmentVol

    JudgmentVol Chieftain

    Ay, progress. Now for some ctrl+c/ctrl+v action.

  15. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    So, those conditions are the causal impetus of transgenderism? Correct?

    Because if not, it’s just a list of anomalous material meant to obfuscate the issue.
  16. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    what is you evidence regarding transgenderism being purely a behavioral choice? if you don't have any, you seem to be on unequal footing since there are at least some known biological aspects
  17. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance


    What is your evidence that there is no God?

    And I didn’t say it was purely a behavioral choice - I’ve not attempted to speak to what it is, because I don’t know, but instead on what it isn’t - which is true.

    Or, you tell me how sex is determined. We can start there, I guess?
  18. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    are you saying you view a behavioral root to be a position of the absence of evidence?

    you are saying it isn't biological, but haven't addressed the things judgementvol brought up regarding sex chromosome conditions. I'd add on that I would like to hear about how and when one's identity forms, and what goes into that- which seems more pertinent and isn't in the same scope as genetics directly.

    I never questioned I was a heterosexual male. it was innate. it clearly isn't so for transgendered people. like, I don't recall any choice or deliberation ever. I didn't for being left handed either, but in grade school there was an attempt to change my dominant hand. I didn't resist it, but it never took. I'm just left handed. it's the closest analogy I have personally experienced, but it is more than enough to humbly accept that a transgender individual is having a very different experience than me and isn't necessarily choosing to.
  19. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I’m saying - again, now for the third time - that I’ve made absolutely no attempt to discern, predict or speculate as to what does or does not motivate or in any way serve as the cause, reasoning or actions of a transgendered person.

    I don’t and can’t know it, and am unwilling to guess.

    I’ve repeatedly asked Judge and am glad to now ask you - do I correctly understand that his reason for listing those chromosomal conditions, and the same which you now reference, is to explain that these are the originating cause of transgenderism, or not.

    If these are cited as supporting proof of some underlying and involuntary impetus, it’s probably smart and worthwhile to unpack each, and in scrutinizing detail.

    If these aren’t cited as a means to support the overarching assertion as being the impetus cause for transgenderism, then it’s been included here as little more than poppycock, perhaps as a means to suggest that these conditions are somehow the underlying cause or impetus for transgenderism, when they aren’t, and which neither deserve nor would productively advance the discussion, but instead, would only and needlessly obfuscate the matter, whether intentional or not.

    So, educate me as to the relative and necessary inclusion of these conditions to any discussion on transgenderism. I’ll even help you by saying that I think that this is merely a list of chromosomally-based anomalies, and which are intended to essentially infer that they are likely to be any proven as the impetus for transgenderism, but are not, and will be disproven as such. And easily.

    I see neither the relevance nor any derived aide in understanding transgenderism, insofar as the discussion wastes any time worrying with something so preferentially nebulous as one’s “identity”(a fancier word for “preference” and “feeling”) than I see in discussing “gender”, because each have an equally similar impact on the chromosomally established sex of a person - and which is to say, equal parts “jack” and “shit” (or Jill? Jillothy?)

    When an attempt to change your dominant hand was made, did you feel like it also changed your sex? I’m not going to hammer you with a bunch of sarcastic barbs, because I think this is a good and worthy discussion to honestly have, and that doing so would plunge us into an unending tit-for-tat....but I’ve noted the abundance of irony in your defense of transgenderism by citing an instance where personal preference and sincere effort utterly failed to change a genetically determined trait.

    Because it can’t.

    And that’s my point.
  20. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I mention the chromosomal conditions to discredit the notion that sex is as simple as boy/girl xy/xx. that isn't true.

    I don't know what the underlying mechanics are to transgenderism, either. I don't know exactly why I am left handed. I am satisfied with people all being treated with equal worth, which includes being able to self-determine identity.

    that doesn't mean I think 10 year olds should be getting elective surgery without careful consideration from guardians and medical practitioners. it does mean that if a woman wants to use the women's room, I am not going to worry about the details of her specific anatomy, chromosomal makeup, or anything else of the sort. similarly, I don't care what someone identifies as, they deserve to be safe. if they are being detained in a group that is hostile or looking to exploit their identity, they are not safe. don't punish people for their identity.

    I know you don't condone violence. I am not intending to come at you like you find such behavior acceptable.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019

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