If he does this, it will be a master stroke, and on several strategically significant fronts, IMO. Best, he's rumored to announce a 6 month delay in its enforcement, so as to give Congress time to act to prevent it by replacing it with permanent legislation....and just as it should have been done to begin with. So, let's now see Congress act, in 6 months no less, and tally every vote so as to let every voter see where every elected official stands on the matter - again, where and how it should have been done, to begin with. If this happens, Eric Cantor will be beaming, somewhere, and like me, will look forward to the outcome of that legislative process. Extending it by 6 months may, at least in theory, serve as quite an enticing counter-offer in other negotiations - tax reform, funding the wall, just to name a couple - if he plays it that way. Or, if he even does this at all, because it's still just a rumor. Interesting times. Link: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/03/trump-dreamers-immigration-daca-immigrants-242301
Do you mean the initial investment to get started, or paying for the totality - including remuneration of the initial investment - in the long term? If the former, that requires Congress (although the House has passed a bill to fund it). If the latter, perhaps this will help: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...3375f271c9c_story.html?utm_term=.790898d27cb2
I really hope that every member of Congress is besieged with letters, emails, visits and calls of those with any opinion on the matter, in hopes of ensuring that they take quick action on this long overdue matter of significant importance. Both these Dreamers and the Rule of Law demand an answer. Hooefully, now they'll each get it.
You realize the border adjustment tax is dead and any attempt at tax reform including it will go nowhere, right?
I doubt there's much deep thought going into his proposal. In fact, based upon previous actions, it's the least he could do while still pandering to his ever shrinking base. However, if it precipitates the passage, finally, of the DREAM Act, then all the better. The Wall is still a mess and even Trump admitted it was pretty much a political prop in his call with the Mexican president, much like he said in regards to "draining the Swamp" right after his election.
Nice bargaining chip. DACA goes into law but chain migration and birthright citizenship ends for those born to non-citizens unless they are legal residents who later become citizens. Oh funding and building that nice beautiful wall has to come first not last. We have seen how duplicitous the dems are when it comes to funding a wall. If he was alive Reagan would tell you that with Russians "its trust but verify" and with dems its verify and never trust.
See Reagan amnesty deal. For other times where dems played Lucy to pubs Charlie Brown...See "Read My Lips" Bush and his tax increase deal with dems. They reneged on their part, laughed at him and he got fired. I am sure there are other times when a deal was made, with the pubs part to be done on the back end, and dems reneging. Thats why comprehensive reform is a sham. The amnesty will be front loaded and any enforcement mechanisms back loaded. When time comes for the latter to be funded it will be cut and amnesty will be a done deal with borders still wide open.
The President doesn't have the power to enact this legislation. Obama said as much before he went ahead and did it anyway. Now folks are mad at Trump for deferring back to Congress something that is their job in the first place?? I agree with Uni that something needs to be done here. Maybe resident alien visas...
I agree with both you and Un, mostly. Congress now has 6 months to do its job. If they really want to shove it back on Trump, pass legislation and put it on his desk.