The Blacklist.

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by hatvol96, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Cameltoes

    Cameltoes Contributor

    If Reddington hired him, I think Red's gonna be real pissed that he killed Red's bodyguard and money lady. That's off the rails.
  2. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Bodyguards and women are expendable assets for a guy like Reddington. If he hired Garrick, how better to camouflage it?
  3. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    I made it all the way to the last season. Then I watched the first two episodes and could hardly stand it. Then months later, I thought that I may as well try to finish the show since I didn't even have a full season to go. I made it through the third episode and was done forever. Maybe I'll skip to the end sometime.
  4. Dick Huffman

    Dick Huffman Guest

    No, he sings the national anthem at street fights.
  5. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    I fully expect no resolution Monday night. In fact, I have a feeling we'll be left with more questions than answers yet again.

    I could buy the Red hiring Garrick theory, except that would go against his 'desire' to help Lizzy.
  6. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    I'd say eventually handing over to her a guy who managed to invade and annihilate a black site would help her standing at work.
  7. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    Seems like a round about way to deliver a guy who is already number 16 on the list. I definitely like your original theory that Garrick was hired to deliver Red to somebody.
  8. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    That's the most logical scenario. If all he was there to do is kill Reddington, why would he go through the exercise of trying to draw him out of the box? Just kill everyone, then blow the whole place up.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  9. Cameltoes

    Cameltoes Contributor

    I guess I was under the mistaken impression that he and the bodyguard (? Dikembe?) had a strong relationship. Was probably on the bodyguard's side, but not Red's. But I thought their praying together scene was powerful. So you think that Red hired Scarface but Scarface doesn't know it? I like that because it makes Spader even more badass.
  10. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    The more likely scenario is that Garrick is being employed to deliver Reddington. I was throwing out an alternate scenario because it is obvious he's not there simply to exact revenge.
  11. Cameltoes

    Cameltoes Contributor

    When Garrick delivers Red to Alan Alda's office and Alda thanks Garrick and dismisses him, hilarity ensues.
  12. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    Fantastic finish.

    January 13th can't get here soon enough.
  13. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Why do I get the sneaky suspicion that Alda's "employers" are high ranking US officials and we're going to find out that Reddington's "treason" is just a cover for doing some really dark shit for the Red, White, and Blue?
  14. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Sparing Dembe was a nice dramatic touch. The scene with Alda and Anslo was top flight. The look Alada shoots him when he starts trying to tell him how things are going to go was priceless.
  15. Cameltoes

    Cameltoes Contributor

    I really like this show. Spader deserves an Emmy. I also like the unapologetic killing. Nobody bothers trying to talk someone into laying their gun down. Refreshing. Slight quibble with the writing, however. Dembe was identified as a Sudanese freedom fighter. He and Red were reciting the 112th sura of the Qur'an to each other. Supposedly most of the Sudanese freedom fighters are Christian or animists, not Muslim.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
  16. fun2bow

    fun2bow New Member

    Thoughts on Lizzy husband?
  17. Cameltoes

    Cameltoes Contributor

    He's a bad guy.
  18. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Likely in the employ of Alda's group to act as a counterbalance to what they saw as the inevitable involvement of Reddington in Lizzy's life.
  19. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    I think the gal with Ressler will come into play. Remember she left him after Red got away the first time, and when they lose him again, she shows up, despite being engaged. I bet there's a reason he and Red had that conversation about her too. I think Tom is probably involved with Alda is well, hence the reason he told Lizzy to watch out for him.

    I read a couple people online who said Resslers ex resembles the VIACP girl, but I don't remember much about that part.
  20. Cameltoes

    Cameltoes Contributor

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