ANTIFA Goes to Auburn

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Tenacious D, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    Obviously she is smart and she combines that with being a personality and entertainer. Which is why she makes a load of money.
  2. JudgmentVol

    JudgmentVol Chieftain

    That men are superior athletes. If you have 2 equally matched male/female athletes in any given sport, they each may have a 50/50 chance of winning whatever event, but there would be far fewer women capable of attaining that same standard than men. Additionally, the most athletic men are more superior than their respective most athletic female counterparts in most any given sport.
  3. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    And every single one of those women smoke 99.9999% of all men on the planet.

    The fact that Usain Bolt can beat the best woman on the planet in a foot race doesn't mean men are superior athletes, it means Usain Bolt is the superior athlete.

    The woman is still faster than damn near every male on the planet.
  4. RockyHill

    RockyHill Loves Auburn more than Tennessee.

    That's a dumb argument and you know it.
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You guys are having a disagreement that comes down to semantics. float is arguing that women can be more athletic than men-- that the distributions of athletic performance of each sex overlap. Others are arguing that the distributions of athletic performance of each sex are not equal, and that the men distribution is higher. Neither of these arguments are exclusive to one another.
  6. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    How many men on the planet would you say are faster than the fastest woman? 100? 1,000? 10,000?

    And in their prime, say 20s, men outnumber women something like 1.1 to 1. So if your number of faster is within that 0.10% over 7 billion, you conclude it's statistically significant?

    So in what way is it a dumber argument than the one that is comparing the most elite of all persons on the planet, in a single snapshot of time that is less than the blink of an eye in human existence and making gross generalizations based on that snapshot, against something that changes every couple of decades?

    The point is that generalization arguments and comments are dumb. And here is why: what is being claimed is that something that is absolutely changeable, in athletic ability: scores, speed, etc, etc, will be held constant against something generally unchangeable, which is gender. And that ratios some how have an influence on that. Which is dumb.
  7. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    Or nah.
  8. InVolNerable

    InVolNerable Fark Master Flex

    I would take any top hs aau sprinter or college athlete over top woman sprinter

    Your devils advocate shtick on this is wasted.
  9. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    This isn't devil's advocate. This is a simple time concept. Conclusions are being drawn that have very little basis to be drawn.

    You are saying that top male sprinters will always be faster than women, because they are today. And the evidence for this is that they are faster today. This is circular reasoning.

    There are no sprinter genes. Gender is not likely to change over the next period of time, but the pool that makes Y faster than X can, and likely will.

    So you can have your sprinters today, and I'll take all of the human future. I like my odds better.
  10. justingroves

    justingroves supermod

    This is 90% of the disagreements on here
  11. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    Float says: Fastest woman is faster than 99.9999% of all males (and I would greatly dispute that number of significant digits because that would mean she is faster than all but about 4500 men world wide which I do not believe is true, but I think he is just making a point)

    Everyone else: Men are faster than women.

    Both are correct, and as Float says, at this time. And I believe, baring serious genome manipulation, it will always be that way.


    Women are the solid line, men are the dotted line. (this is not exact, but a simple double bell curve I found on the internet to show my point. actual data will follow).

    Yes, women beyond the 3 sigma are going to be faster than 90% of all men on the planet. Faster than me, for sure.

    But your average male will be faster than your average female, and that is just fact.

    All time record for women's 100m is by Flo-jo, the female equivelant of Usain Bolt. She was a freakasaurus. 10.49 100m. That is insane fast. Except it would not even get her on the top 3000 all time of males in the 100m. Not even a whiff of it.

    rule of statistics: You cannot apply statistics to an individual, but only to groups. There will always be outliers. So to say a woman should not get in a fight because a man will always beat her is ludicrous to say. But it is also ludicrous to say that the best woman can be the best man in a foot race. Not unless the male pulls a hamstring coming out of the blocks.

    So both parties are right.

    EDIT: Double listed the men's records. Fixed it so the first link is to the women's.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
  12. GahLee

    GahLee Director of Conspiracy Theories, 8th Maxim

    Much like in the ESPN thread, he's arguing from the 1 percent perspective. He's not wrong, he's just arguing a point nobody has interest in debating.

    We get it. Outliers exist.
  13. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    You are looking at a snapshot in time, to come to a conclusion that transcends time.

    There is nothing in "gender" that confers athleticism, and since it is pretty well static, you're claiming that something that isn't changing will always be held constant against things that always change.

    And your reasoning for making that claim is because you've chosen a period of time where nothing is changing.

    It is literally an argument against evolution. Period.
  14. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    No, you don't get it. It isn't about outliers. And even if it were, you, specifically, still aren't making allowances for them.

    You are making a claim that something will hold true until the end of time. Period.
  15. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    Why are we talking future events? We are talking now and in the past, which is the only data we have. In the future, all men might get killed by a Y-chromosome virus and the fastest people on earth will all be females. But what does that have to do with anything?

    As far as evolution, look at the times I gave. The men's top times are all in the last 10-15 years. Carl Lewis' world record of 9.92 from 1988 is now in 225th place.

    Flo-jo's time has stood for 30 years, and the women's times are shotgunned all over the place. So if anything, men have been getting faster the last 30 years, and women have made much less improvement, if not straight up static.
  16. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Because the claim is that men are more athletic than women. For that statement to be true, it must always be true, for as long as there are "men and women." Do you disagree?

    Which means this is a longitudinal question, not a snapshot in time. You say women's times haven't changed much in 30 years, and men have. That's great. For this to matter, it would have to hold true moving forward. To determine if it's true, you're using the same snapshot in time. How can you not be certain this period of 30 or so years isn't the anomoly. Because that is what you are claiming, that it holds true.

    I ask, before Flo Jo, or whomever, how many men were faster than the fastest woman. If it's now 5,000 or so, was it 10,000? 20,000?

    If so, you can see a decrease in the gap. And if women are in fact closing that gap, how can you claim men are indeed faster?

    Because you looked at 50 years? Wow. That's like a long time, in the 200,000 or so years of our existencex. It doesn't matter if it takes 600 years to close the gap, if the gap is closing, the gap is closing.
  17. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    The best coverage of the Berkeley ANTIFA Fascists vs Fascist anti-fascists is this Pepsi challenge:

  18. JudgmentVol

    JudgmentVol Chieftain

    And it's also fallacious to think that just because the gap closed that it means the gap will eventually cease to exist. No data has ever supported men not being faster than women, and this 'closing gap' that's actually widened over the course of 25 years doesn't support the idea that women ever will match men's achievements -- it merely says women are getting faster.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Bassmanbruno would smoke every one of you bastards in a foot race right now, yesterday, and always.
  20. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    without warming up

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