Really looking forward to this game at the end of the month. The time period especially interests me. [video=youtube;l5oCFC1QH30][/video]
I will buy and play. I like the series, and it doesn't require a high amount of skill, so if I have to put it down for a few weeks, there is no regression. I don't look forward to the period, though.
I like it. It's a good change of pace from all the WWI and II games. The only thing I might've liked better is if it were during the Civil War.
If they push to the 1800s, my money would be on fall of the Samuari. It isn't the revolutionary war I'm not a fan of, just the whole lack of buildings and major cities. Tarzan the trees, yay. I'd rather climb the mosques in Turkey than the 3 story wood building in Philadelphia. I mean, compared to Constantinople and Venice, 1770s US lacks a bit of... elegance. Like I said, I'll play. And will probably enjoy the new combat system and fleeing between windows, but I think it will lack a lot of the old stealth wet work and prep, and become just a combat game. I don't like drawing out a kill chain. I like getting in and out, doing the job and disappearing. Makes it more challenging it.
I'm looking forward to it as well...I like the time period and the setting in theory, but I get where you're coming from, I mean, I'm going to Italy in the spring, and it's pretty much owed to AC2. (Nerd alert.)
I played AC 2 and liked it a lot. I tried to play the next one (the one in Rome) but wasn't able to get into it as much. Gonna have to look at forcing myself to finish it and get the next one. I always get these AC games used for cheap 2 years after they come out.
I actually never played Brotherhood, and I'm annoyed I didn't. Friggen Rome. Never knew. You can recruit assassins in Revelations, and then use them to just straight own any combat scenario later in the game. If that is the case in brotherhood, do that. Just send your guys on tons of missions, get them to be Masters and then you'll be straight. What kind of puzzles are there? Like AC2 deciphering the glyphs?
I didn't find that much difference between Brotherhood and AC2 with regards to the puzzles. And you can recruit assassins just the same. It's pretty awesome to call in an Arrow Storm. I liked the "rebuild Rome" aspect of Brotherhood too. I never did play Revelations. I guess I wasn't as intrigued by Constantinople, maybe I should've been. (The settings, more than anything else, have been what drew me to this series.)
Revelations was a lot of fun. I guess it was a bit like Brotherhood, though, but in a different area. You had to conquer different areas of the city by assassinating the Templar there, and then hold off against attacks from Templars attacking your towers. Arrow storm was fantastic. And not too long of a cool down, either. Calling in individual assassins was great. Toward the end, if I didn't feel like chasing someone down, I'd just call in 4 or 5 assassins and let them get to work. Couldn't recruit assassins in AC2, though. That was new in Brotherhood.
Played for about 5 hours tonite and I think it's the best in the series. The story has been great and there are some excellent twist in the story. Being 5 hours in, I still haven't played as the young Indian character that had been in all the trailers and game vids. Still in the beginning of everything as far as the story.