POLITICS President Trump: 100+ Mornings After (Term 1 Complete)

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by IP, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. GahLee

    GahLee Director of Conspiracy Theories, 8th Maxim

    Face it, Hilary is the most unelectable candidate in hostory.

    She lost 2 out of 3 DNC primaries, her lone win is over an 80 year old Socialist who had the rug pulled out from under him or she possibly loses again before the general election.

    Then she gets moped by a guy who has never held office of any kind and who is funding his own campaign. A campaign that was Ringling Brothers worthy. Trump had endless bad moments. Yet...she still got hosed and the left can't let go.

    Next 6.5 years are gonna be brutal for the mentally weak.
    MaconVol likes this.
  2. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    What, specifically, are you calling bullshit on in regards to Russia.

    This could be fun.
  3. zehr27

    zehr27 8th's VIP

    My guess would be that Trump himself colluded with Russia.
    MaconVol likes this.
  4. TennTradition

    TennTradition Super Moderator

    At this point I’m certain he was aware of conversations and possibly even the influence they had. We will be eventually arguing over what constitutes collusion or inappropriate coordination.

    Examples: Changes regarding Ukraine in RNC platform at convention and Secretary of State selection.

    Trump isn’t doing himself any favors on this line of reasoning. It’s been a bad week. For example, my guess is that foreign governments at times express their opinions on selections like Secretaries of State. However given the multiple Russia connections amongst campaign officials and the way Trump has reacted regarding Putin, it puts the Tillerson suggestion from Russia and ultimate naming of Tillerson in a very different light than, say, had the Israeli ambassador stopped by to say a certain choice was unacceptable and offer a different name.
    JayVols likes this.
  5. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    Yea, but only because they keep having to rationalize what Trump is doing, or at least having to wait a few days to find out if he needs to change anything he said, so as to alter their previous defense.

    In that bit, yea, the mentally weak have a long <6.5 years.
    JayVols likes this.
  6. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Of course, it's a lot more than just 13 Russians who have been indicted since there are, already, a number of Trump folks caught up in the mess. And, no, it wouldn't have wrapped up a long time ago. Watergate took longer than this investigation and this one is more complex than that one.

    However, I am interested in this claim of illegal people voting and the proof that never seems to follow when guys like you throw this "fact" out there.

    All in all, I rate this about a 4 on your usual late night ramblings of Trump ball licking, "I hate liberals" bullshit. Gotta throw out a few more easily disproven details which you'll, nevertheless, continue to state as casual and immutable truths to be truly Trumpian in your response.
    JayVols likes this.
  7. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    I agree. Was he calling the shots and pulling the strings? Probably not. Was he in direct communication with those who where? Yeah, I think he was.

    And after this week, when do we start taking seriously (even Trump defenders) that the POTUS is compromised?
    Poppa T, tvolsfan and JayVols like this.
  8. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Unfortunately, you are factually wrong on all 3 of these. There is no systemically voting inordinate amount of illegals, in fact most cases of voter fraud in the last election were conservative (but were a rare occurrence). Feel free to share some data refuting this. I'm sure you were told this by Infowars or something.

    Investigations of sitting Presidents have always taken years. Always. That there have been so many indictments, guilty pleas etc. actually shows this one is moving apace.

    There's nothing irrational about following evidence. And treating this like a sport event is dangerous. Nobody wins if our government is being manipulated by clandestine foreign interference.
    JayVols likes this.
  9. Poppa T

    Poppa T Vol Geezer

    Who is this Hillary person that keeps being mentioned in relation to the incompetence of our President? I thought she lost?

    Is she a mind-controlling alien or a voodoo master who is influencing our dear leader?

    Some of us lived thru Nam and Nixon. I think we can "mentally" handle Trump's dumbassery.
    JayVols likes this.
  10. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    You're going to be disappointed.

    Or maybe you're ecstatic that our president is Putin's pawn.

    Whichever, I take no joy in the fact that our leader kowtows to Putin's wants even to the point of actually contemplating turning over American citizens and a former ambassador to that murderous thug. It's a sad time for America. This has nothing to do with left, right, center or whatever. It has to do with the country. It's time you took your hyper-partisan head out of Trump's ass and stand for America.

    Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave.
  11. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    Oh, look. Another mentally weak comment.

    Only folks insecure in their intelligence constantly comment on the intelligence of others. I'm a teacher, so I can have an IQ test challenge arranged. You can pick any person on 8th to go against, excluding DC, that is. Or...

    Face it. Folks like you are the only people still talking about Hillary. The continual references are more sad than Napoleon Dynamite's uncle reliving his "glory days".
  12. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator


    This is exponentially more important that typical party squabbles over taxes and such. This is about the cornerstone ideals of this nation, who we are and the values we, as a collective people, have always espoused regardless of party.
  13. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    The GOP in 1987:

    The GOP in 2018:

    I disagreed with some of the policies of the 1987 version of the GOP, but as an American, I was/am very proud of that moment, that man, and Reagan's undying commitment to freedom in the world.

    I'm disgusted by the 2018 appeasement of, the effusive praise of, and kowtowing to thuggish dictators like Kim & Putin at the expense of freedom & democracy in the world.
  14. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    I think Putin belongs on Mt. Rushmore.
  15. Poppa T

    Poppa T Vol Geezer

    Unfortunately, Trump views the United States, its people, instituations and resources, as just another subsidiary in Trump Org.

    His behavior with Putin reminds of all the weak minded, mid-level execs I watched clamoring for their bosses approval over my 30+ years in the global corporate world. Putin is using him like a rented mule.
    JayVols likes this.
  16. GahLee

    GahLee Director of Conspiracy Theories, 8th Maxim

    Folks like me? She could run again. May actually be the most electable candidate that the DNC has, which isnt saying much at all.

    Saying the next 6.5 is gonna be rough for the folks who are losing their minds with every move he makes is not to question everyone who opposes him, but it is a growing number as regular folk get swept away.
  17. Poppa T

    Poppa T Vol Geezer

    Only if Mexico pays for it.

    I'm sure if Putin asked, our Prez would think it was a very interesting idea and check with Hannity to see what he thought.
    JayVols likes this.
  18. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I could grow a foot and become an NBA player, too.

    Your last statement gives me hope that, as it was said in the Bible, the scales are falling from people's eyes. I sincerely appreciate that.
  19. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Hannity deserves a monument in Washington. Maybe they could get repurpose the Jefferson Memorial. No one ever visits that one.
  20. GahLee

    GahLee Director of Conspiracy Theories, 8th Maxim

    Stand for America? You'd rather be right on a personal level and America suffer than the other way around.

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