POLITICS President Trump: 100+ Mornings After (Term 1 Complete)

Discussion in 'Politicants' started by IP, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. droski

    droski Traffic Criminal

    what exactly can he do? it blows my mind that people really think he is going to lead a revolution.
    justingroves likes this.
  2. bostonvol

    bostonvol Chieftain

    What’s he going do? Chain himself to the desk in the oval?
    droski likes this.
  3. tvolsfan

    tvolsfan Chieftain

    Oh, he's certainly not going to lead a revolution. That takes true ideological commitment, passion, and hard work.
    droski likes this.
  4. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    By 2pm, dude had over 100 tweets and re-tweets. Crazy.
  5. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    Finally some honesty; Democrats have been after Trump from the beginning:

    On Tuesday in Washington, D.C., at Politico’s Women Rule Summit, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitted the impeachment process of President Donald Trump has been going on for “two and a half” years.

    When asked about criticisms of “the speed” of the House Democrats impeachment, Pelosi replied, “Speed? It’s been going on 22 months—two and a half years, actually.”

    zehr27 and Tenacious D like this.
  6. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Eh, I could see how one could think this (And, certainly, Breitbart will look for this angle). But, she clearly references the Mueller Report, so her 22 months is really about the scope of investigations and reports which led to the impeachment and not the idea they have been seeking impeachment for 2 1/2 years. She's the same person who resisted some of the calls of impeachment for two years. Now, if we're talking the AOC's of the Congress, then, yes, her and a few others have been pushing for impeachment for a long time.

    But, Pelosi's saying this issue of Trump's malfeasance didn't just crop up and they rushed to make this happen. The stuff which led to the decision to impeach has been a long process.
  7. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Wonder how much sleep these 31 folks are gonna get between now and Wednesday?

  8. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    After reading the IG, it's too bad we can't search back to posts from Dec. 2016.

    It would be helpful to see who was right back then and who was wrong.
  9. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    What's the chances that those who were wrong in Dec. 2016 are the same ones pushing impeachment today?
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Ya, that would be you. The conclusions of the IG are that the investigation was not due to political bias. The findings of the Mueller Report were in conclusive, in large part because of obstruction by the WH. The scariest, most 1984, Stalinistesque thing in the world today is the way conservative media outright lies about these reports knowing that most people will never read them themselves.
    Unimane and tvolsfan like this.
  11. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    That isn't what the IG Report said at all. I see nothing has changed in my absence.
  12. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    The IG report thoroughly details a criminal conspiracy (statement by the head of Senate Judiciary with no pushback from the IG) within our own govt, abusing the powers of the State to try and overthrow a Democratically elected President.

    It doesn't say political bias didn't play a role, it says they couldn't find hard evidence of political bias but all answers to motive were unsatisfactory. Bill Barr explains in depth in his MSNBC interview.

    Let's cut the BS, and be honest about what the Report really says.
  13. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    That's just not true, and Bill Barr is not telling the truth. When I say "that's not true," I don't just mean your claim isn't true. I mean, "the IG report literally does not say that." https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    It is absolutely critical for this narrative that people do not actually read these things for themselves. Super critical. It would all fall apart if every voter read these documents.
    tvolsfan likes this.
  15. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    It's amazing how you can just simply lie like this. I suppose you are back from your hiatus to spin some more bullshit conspiracy nonsense.
  16. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    I thought undermining our institutions was bad? Cognitive Dissonance can be a real [itch bay]. Now Barr and Durham are liars, Horowitz is a liar, etc.
  17. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    It gets tiresome dealing with children who can't accept Santa Claus isn't real.

    You guys never once questioned that you may have been wrong. That the President wasn't a Russian asset or colluding with Russia. Any evidence to the contrary was met with anger and insults.

    Sad to see nothing has changed years later.
  18. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    You live in a world of your own creation. You can't seem to accept the determinations of both the IG and Mueller Report don't state what you want them to state and they do so very clearly.
    tvolsfan likes this.
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Read the report. That is the source of your cognitive dissonance.
  20. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    I've read it, stop gaslighting.

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