So, is this anything more than a throwaway fanboy flick / pure money grab? What's its purpose in the main story arc?
"many XXXXXXXXXers died bringing us this information" ... death star plans referred to in the original movie, episode IV. ....Rogue One is the story about all those dudes and what they did to get the death star plans. such is my understanding of the storyline
I have a 12-year old who likes both science fiction and spending time with his old man going to the movies.
I can't wait for Rogue Two. It'll be the backstory on Ned JizzyWop 9000 - a middle-aged man trapped in a loveless marriage in Sector Super-Virgin, and who works in the mine which produced the necessary iron to make the knives which were ultimately used to whittle Yoda's walking stick.
See, I knew this was a troll thread. Otherwise you'd not have created a separate thread from the movie, or talk nerdy, or star trek threads.
Not a troll thread - I wish it had some significance to the series, but it obviously does not, and that was disappointing for me. I've purposefully avoided those threads out of respect for those who do like sci-fi, and that's why I started this separate thread, here.
It fills a space in the story off screen. Expect a lot more of that, it seems to sell to a broad audience.
A friend of mine did go with us, and he about had a seizure when I asked him which side Spock was on, during the ride back after the movie. Thoroughly enjoyed that conversation.
It's just a money-grab, time-filling waste of a movie. It'd be like another Harry Potter that detailed how the Dursleys met and married.
Really, you never thought "how in the hell did a single fighter with a couple of torpedoes destroy the first Death Star?" Because now you know.
All movies are whores, but most at least weave a convincing enough lie to withhold that fact for a few hours. The Star Wars franchise is similar, albeit fantastically overdone, whore, and who not only doesn't care to acknowledge, but actually celebrates, that fact.
ESPN Disney guy; Holy shit, we keep losing ESPN subscribers, I'm going to lose my job. Can someone help me out?" Star Wars Disney Guy: "Lets make something Star Warsy and all your sorrows will be gone" ESPN Disney guy: "Hell yeah. The nerds will save us. Ha Ha Ha Ha"
I actually liked the movie. My son loved it. Tying it absolutely into A New Hope was a very good move to pull in the Star Wars fans. I nearly forgot that much of the previous 2 hours was OK at best because the final 10 minutes was nostalgic to the millionth degree. And FTR, I'm not a fan. As a kid growing up in the hey day, I never even saw the movies. I didn't see them until my kids watched them.
Tenny. Just replace rebels with the Allies, imperials with Nazis and call it a war movie. You will then possibly enjoy it. Who am I kidding.