Scariest Movie / Show

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Tenacious D, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    What about them scares you so much?
  2. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I used to screen girlfriends by asking about their thoughts on ever living in a murder house. On first dates. They have to at least consider it.
  3. cpninja

    cpninja Member

    I dont mind death but if someone says its haunted I'm 100% not going in. Love horror movies, but when it comes to real life I'm not going into a "real" haunted house(or any other haunted structure). I'm not religious, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna get killed by a ghost.
  4. DownNDirty

    DownNDirty Contributor

    I love scary movies/horror movies. As I've grown older most of that stuff just don't scare me anymore. Sure there's always "jump scares" but overall nothing sticks with me. Now there are a couple of movies in the past few years that I found at least a little unsettling - one of them was The Conjuring and the other was a movie called Clown. The Clown movie really has an awesome premise and it's not over the top scary but it definitely leaves you a bit uneasy. I watched The Exorcist when I was about 7 and that wasn't a good idea and it always bothered me until I got a bit older. But the one scary movie scene at least that I can always think back to - I think it's from Amityville Horror - is a scene where this really attractive woman walks down the stairs. This dude is sitting on a couch and he stands up and I think says something like who are you and all of a sudden she lunges at him and throws him around. I don't know what about that particular scene got to me when I was about 8 or 9 years old but I really was shaken by that one.

    As far as TV shows:

    Are you Afraid of the Dark - I enjoyed most of them and didn't find them very scary however there were about 3-4 episodes that really got to me as a kid. Need to rewatch the series honestly

    The Twilight Zone - the original. There are definitely some episodes that were what I would consider scary.

    Revolution - ok, this IS NOT a horror show however just the thought of one day the power going out and never coming back on really made me think. Some of the things we take for granted if we got nailed by a massive EMP strike or natural disaster EMP blast from space could be a real nightmare come true.

    The Strain - loved the books the TV series is pretty good. Not the scariest but good story and mostly well acted.

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer - my favorite show in the horror type genre of this ilk. The show was phenomenal and still holds up on rewatches to this day.

    It - I'll put this in here because it was a mini series that's now being made into movies. Tim Curry was really frightening as Pennywise and this was a real classic.

    Kingdom Hospital - just throwing out a show some may not have latched onto when it was on the air. I loved this quirky single season show. It wasn't really scary but man it was entertaining.

    Z Nation - my favorite zombie type of show. It's campy, rarely scary, but so over the top it's worth the watch IMO. The character "Doc" is one of my favorite TV characters that has come down the pipe in a long time.
  5. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    I watch Willy Wonka 200 times back to back before I watch Wizard of Oz once all the way through.
  6. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    It shows you something fairly low key then suddenly without warning transitions to something shocking and grotesque. Does that a few times. Startled me the first time I watched it. I don't think it's really all that scary as in nightmare inducing.
  7. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    When was the last time you heard about somebody getting killed by a ghost?
  8. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Every unsolved murder ever.
  9. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Everything, if it's anything to do with the paranormal, ghosts, haunts, demons. It's hard to pinpoint exactly why.

    Vampires, werewolves, aliens, zombies, crazed sharks, crazed sharks in tornadoes, etc. only mildly affect me, primarily because I can't suspend belief long enough to even watch most of it, much less to be frightened by it.

    Walking Dead, for example, I watched a few episodes and it was just so ridiculously stupid as to be laughable. I can't fathom how anyone can stand to watch it, much less to be "into" it. But then, this is coming from a guy who doesn't like commercials for horror movies, watches homesteading and priminitive videos on YouTube, and who immensely enjoys 30Rock, Kenny vs Spenny, Trailer Park Boys, and just about any form of low-brow / sophomoric humor.

    I'm no standard, by any means.
  10. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    I think we've stumbled upon the secret of your maintaining the single lifestyle (your current side chick, excluded).
  11. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    Is it because you believe in it or that it, on some primal level, just spooks the ever loving crap out of you? Kind of like a person that has a phobia of snakes for no reason other than they just have always been spooked by them.
  12. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    One of our friends that we tie up our boats with on the lake had their daughter and son-in-law come out a few weeks ago, and he is a 5th generation mortician / funeral home director. He had great fun with my many phobias, and I now hate his guts.
  13. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Exactly. Dead me tell no tales.
  14. fl0at_

    fl0at_ Humorless, asinine, joyless pr*ck

    You have nightmares about being Liam Neeson's daughter?
  15. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    The first time I watched Wizard of Oz, those flying monkeys had me absolutely petrified, and the wicked witch bothered me a lot too. I was just a little more than a toddler, and the scariness still sticks with me. I have had several people tell me they were affected in a similar manner.
  16. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    I usually enjoy most "horror" movies if nothing else for laughs in the ones where so much is predictable, but I am not scared by them or afraid to watch them.
  17. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    1991 made for TV movie, "The Haunting".

    Whatever you do, don't watch this video, especially near the 45 minute mark:

  18. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Intellectually, no I don't believe in spooks.
    Theologically, I don't believe in them, but certainly believe in angels and demons.
    Psychologically, terrified of them.
    Maybe it is primal.
  19. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    I'm honestly not sure why we let it lapse.
  20. A-Smith

    A-Smith Chieftain

    me too.

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