I'm looking for one of the best history programs in the country. I know the usuals. I need some particular historians and their specialty. Example: Jeremy Black at Exeter in England. Money isn't an issue; neither is grades. Does anybody have any suggestions?
I would try geography first. Hehe. Don't transfer, by the way. Finish where you are, do well on the GRE, and go to graduate school in history if that is what you wish. Outside of going to a Swarthmore-type of school you will never have any interaction at the undergraduate level with great historians. They teach 2 classes a year and are digging in archives 3/4s of the time. You'll have better luck seeing them on C-SPAN.
Poor example. I wasn't thinking. Another: Niall Ferguson at Harvard. Thanks for the info. That sucks. Do you have experience with the UT history department?
I love learning about history, and would have majored in it, but getting a good job out of school is tough with that degree unless you go to a TOP school. I know a guy who graduated from Princeton with honors and he struggled to find a decent job. Ended up as a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company. Not a bad gig at all, but not what he was hoping to get out of school.
It is my situation. I am slowly but surely amending my social problems and am itching to leave my home state.
Financial aid, scholarships, and student loans, contrary to the opinion of the boneheads at "Occupy" events, are wonderful things.
I don't possess the maturity and intelligence befitting of this place because i question your claim that you are receiving enough financial aid and scholarships to transfer to any college you want to? Not many people have that luxury, let alone you. Also, do you really need to keep sucking this site's sack? Seriously, we all understand this is a good place, but you can get up off your knees now.
Funny how you left out student loans, you dolt. Do you know who the [uck fay] I am? Do you actually read my [uck fay]ing posts? I'm going to take the Dawkins approach and refrain from talking to you any further, and I'm going to be a little bit nicer than Hat in telling you to simply go castrate yourself so you don't further pollute the gene pool.