This is madness. And it must be stopped. That concludes any answers that I have, as to "why" or "how". Link:
I'll need to see what my side of the aisle thinks about this before I form an opinion. Am I doing it right?
What's the root cause, it needs to be attacked there. Obviously, what we have been doing is not working.
Yep. Our "Faithful allies" are the driving force behind the Wahabiist bullshit around the globe. But let's bang war drums about Iran and Kim Jong Dumb instead.
Energy. Independence. Pull all troops out of ME. Tell them all to pound all the sand in their deserts up their asses. Would be a great start, imo.
Is it radical Islam...or just Islam? Like it or not, it's a fair question. Pew Research (2013): Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda. Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban. 13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say. Wenzel Strategies (2012): 58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment. 45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not). 12% of Muslim-Americans believe blaspheming Islam should be punishable by death. 43% of Muslim-Americans believe people of other faiths have no right to evangelize Muslims. 32% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia should be the supreme law of the land. ICM Poll: 40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers Pew Research (2010): 82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers 70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers 42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers 82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers 56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 65% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in. Pew Global (2006) 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. 43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. 38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. 15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. World Public Opinion (2009) 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans 32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans 41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans 38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans 62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose) 42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose) NOP Research: 62% percent of British Muslims say freedom of speech shouldn't be protected 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified 78% of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons People Press Surveys 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq. Belgian HLN: 16% of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is "acceptable". ICM Poll: 25% of British Muslims disagree that a Muslim has an obligation to report terrorists to police. Muslims Poll Nov 04/Guardian Muslims Nov04.asp Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified. 35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall). 42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall). 22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall). 29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall). Al-Jazeera (2006) 49.9% of Muslims polled support Osama bin Laden Populous Poll (2006): 16% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks against Israelis are justified. 37% believe Jews in Britain are a "legitimate target". GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam; MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory) 35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate al-Qaeda al-Arabiya: 36% of Arabs polled said the 9/11 attacks were morally justified; 38% disagreed; 26% Unsure Gallup: 38.6% of Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified (7% "fully", 6.5% "mostly", 23.1% "partially") Policy Exchange: 1 in 4 Muslims in the UK have never heard of the Holocaust Only 34% of British Muslims believe the Holocaust ever happened. Download.pdf