0-1 vs Dooley 0-2 vs Muschamp 0-1 vs Vanderbilt 0-2 vs Richt 1 win against a ranked opponent in his career 1-2 in bowl games All he can do is recruit
Only if he holds this class together IMO. Butch's floor depends on some semblance of respectability on the field, which doesn't appear to be etched in stone by any stretch of the imagination.
Well, last year the team took off the rest of the year after beating SC. At least it won't happen after this week.
People will always tell you who they are. You just have to believe them. Butch Jones made a pretty damn big statement today. And his next one might be the beginning of the end, if major chnages aren't made on this staff, before for next season.
He just put a shit load of people back on the fence as well as knocking others off to the "get us a real HC" side.