President Trump Administration and Russia

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Unimane, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    First, these are all fair questions and possibilities. Second, I have zero idea as to what is true, will be found, can be proven, etc.

    My personal opinion is that Trump's camp wasn't unique in knowing that the DNC and Podesta's systems had been hacked, by the Russians, Chinese, and many others, and months before the election, when Guccifer was caught and basically said as much. Had Bernie pushed the issue during the primaries, I think Wikileaks would have released them earlier, so as to help him. But if he's not willing to push it, there seems to be little reason to do so.

    I'm genuinely open to any possibility, but my strongest personal opinion remains to be that both Putin and Assange were almost exclusively motivated by a desire to expressly harm Hillary, than to help Trump. I think Putin just didn't like her, personally, and blamed her for the sanctions. I think Assange both blamed Hillary for his persona non grata plight and legit thought that she would have him killed, if elected, and wanted to stop her. I think he actually tweeted about that exact fear at some point - "If Hillary Clinton is elected, I'm a dead man (or "it's my death sentence."). And I think Comey alluded to this possibility in his testimony the other day, when he gave the "hated team" analogy, basically saying that he hates the Patriots and wants them to lose every game, and so he roots for their opponent. He continued to say that his desire for the Pats to lose is the singular motivating factor, and not the result of any allegiance to their opponent, instead, because it's the only choice in a two-man race, and when he only cares that one team loses.

    My ultimate bulwark against these allegations has less to do with my certainty of Trump's innocence (though I think the chances of his camp's innocence is overwhelmingly likely) but is more this, than anything: Barack Obama had the full weight and insight of the entirety of the US Intel community at his disposal, as the sitting POTUS, and would have absolutely, positively brought any proof of Trump's collusion with Russia out, well before either his win or even his inauguration, and too-quick-to-talk-about-it, if such occurred and could be proven, or hell, even credibly alleged. He would have done a special address from the Oval Office to announce it, and on the eve of the election, or scrambled his DOJ to file some suit, etc. Something, anything, and even if only damning, but still not perfectly proven.

    I think that most everyone knows this either didn't occur, or that such cannot ever be proven, at all, much less be tied back to Trump, directly. Again, if that smoking gun existed, you'd have long ago seen Obama holding it above his head, for all the world to see. But even if each of those three near-impossibly high and wide obstacles (occurred at all, provable and linked to Trump) were magically overcome today, that it still wouldn't overturn the outcome of the election or alter Trump's ability to execute the power of the Presidency. My belief is that this is pure political obfuscstion, at its finest, and is merely an attempt by BOTH those on the left and the entire DC establishment to cast a shadow of impropriety on Trump, so as to cause questions of his legitimacy, and to both slow and blunt the effect of his time in that office.

    And, I'm ok admitting that I don't know, and could easily be completely wrong, in every regard. But it's going to take the most extraordinary and incorruptable string of evidences to convince me that the Russians were even behind the leaks, at all, much less that such was intended to help and done in collusion with Trump's camp, much less Trump himself. But I do not believe that such occurred, that no evidence to support it exists, and nothing has thus far even given me pause that such is even possible.

    Just being and giving my honest opinion.
  2. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    The Russians themselves have been telling us all along. Nobody wants to listen.

    Russia's own words from Infoforum 2016:

    Bots appear over that summer.
    To quote General Curtis LeMay, "The big red dog is digging in our back yard, and we are perfectly right to "shoot" him." I used quotes like Trump so I can justify any response on how I meant to use the word "shoot".

    Tenny, I could be wrong as well, but I think you're going to be pretty disappointed when this is over. It's easy not to see something one doesn't want. It's equally easy to see things we want to see but are not truly there. Confirmation bias is real. For me, there's just too many connections, too much coming out on Trump campaign members like Manafort's money laundering, there's too much Russian money-dirty Russian money, too many shady deals and just too many coincidences for me to outright dismiss everything. The age old question, How many coincidences does it take to make a fact?, keeps ringing in my head. That said, I guess time will reveal what has/hasn't happened. I think it's going to be pretty significant. And by pretty significant, I mean a unique occurrence that will shake the nation to its core. We'll see what happens.
  3. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    True. How many days were the Sessions/Russian meeting in the news and made to seem nefarious. Where did you see reported that it was a meeting with the Russian Ambassador to a United States Senator doing what Russian Ambassadors do (meeting with Senators and elected officials) and included 2 retired Army Colonels.

    With that kind of smoke I am skeptical of the fire.
  4. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    The problem you have with this is Flynn. Flynn's situation was known to Intelligence, and you didn't hear "boo" about it from them or Obama. You need another bulwark. I suggest it being Russian officials now "confirming" they had contact with the Trump team throughout the campaign. Because I don't know why they'd say that, other than to keep the shit stirred.
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You could be 100 % right and this never, ever be conclusively proven under the law or public opinion. Just keep that in mind. Part of me suspects that if there were enough to conclusively prove this, it would have surfaced from a non-state entity by now.
  6. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    It's a civil war inside the government and specifically inside the intel agencies. Different people with different intel backgrounds all saying the same thing back in October and you've seen it play out over the last few months. Putin/Russia had nothing to do with this and Assange/WikiLeaks is just the medium by which to pass information to the masses. Podesta emails/Vault 7 released from one side of intel community war and given to WikiLeaks...on the other side you have leaks from within, damaging to the Trump campaign, and released to FakeNews media who is their medium by which info is passed to the public.
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Stopped seriously reading at "FakeNews media." Just comes off as childish and like a scientology-esque programmed word.
  8. ben4vols

    ben4vols Contributor

    Luckily it was in the last sentence, so you got most of it. What would you call them at this point? They aren't doing real journalism. It is a one sided slanted hit piece with a specific agenda. Whether you call it fake news, biased news, leftist propaganda, etc. It isn't news though.
  9. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    slant and bias aren't the same as fake.
  10. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Nunes may have just fallen into a trap. Got to have an independent investigation now. He has no credibility after briefing trump on information before the committee.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  12. bigpapavol

    bigpapavol Chieftain

    Be wary of that trap. They clearly want an investigation, but one where Comey isn't hording the info to make political statements.
  13. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Interesting point.
  15. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    BPV's a sharp dude.
  16. dc4utvols

    dc4utvols Contributor

    Well I could solve all of this BS pretty quickly. 1. Fire Comey and put in someone willing to prosecute Hillary. 2. Work with Sessions to indict and prosecute Hillary for her criminal use of a private server. 3.) Then the new Sheriff's in town will tell the leakers who leaked the FISA/Trump/Russia stuff that they are next unless they come forward voluntarily and explain themselves.

    Bonus points and immunity to anyone who can tie zer0 directly to this mess.
  17. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    Basically, almost nobody gives the first damn about Hillary anymore.

    Move on.
  18. dc4utvols

    dc4utvols Contributor

    Ah but thats the point now isnt it. If she were to get indicted it would turn the news cycle on its head. Even leftist national media would be drawn into the circus. So objective one to bury the Russia non-narrative would be accomplished. Then by squeezing the leakers objective two ,the exposure of leaks by leftist moles to leftist media, could be exposed and quashed.

    And it would be a Bonus if zero could be tied to this. Do ex-presidents get Secret Service protection in prison or would zer0 be on his own if he drops his soap?

    Reminder zer0 had one opponent disqualified from his own party and the divorce records of his GOP opponent unsealed and leaked to the public. Its how zer0 and chicag0 r0ll.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    The "non-narrative?"

    Are you going to prosecute nunes for leaking info yesterday?
  20. dc4utvols

    dc4utvols Contributor

    That would be a stretch. I dont think exposing that there are leakers which we already knew is much of a leak. Nor is it much of a leak to say that the info had been widely disseminated.

    What it means, if you are not a leftist media hack, is that leftist moles were leaking illegally to the leftist media about an investigation in order claim that there was an implied impropriety when it may have just been a fishing expedition by someone in the past admin. When caught they pulled a Clinton "that depends on what the meaning of is, is" by straining at some techicality like maybe they didnt "wire tap" Trump tower but they sure as heck were spying on Team Trump and more likely than not for political rather than legitimate reasons.

    BTW did I mention I didnt vote for the clown? Democrats are as evil and corrupt as the a summer day is long.

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