tvols75 Is Among The Biggest Dumbasses I've Encountered on a Message Board

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by LawVol13, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    [uck fay]ing brilliant post.

  2. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    It probably isn't as bad as I perceive it to be, but I feel it cheapens my degree in a way. At the very least, it speaks to just how unprepared/incapable Dooley is to oversee a program of this magnitude. I'm beginning to think that he's in football because he sucks at everything else (as a lawyer too), but because of his dad and being Saban's coffee fetcher, he can bullshit his way through. I'm convinced that the guy couldn't stick his finger up his ass with the aid of a 55 gallon drum of KY.

    What's worse is I get the perception (I don't think I'm alone here either) that Neyland Stadium couldn't hold his ego, but he has no accomplishments whatsoever to warrant that inflated ego. He's another one that if you could pay market price for him then sell him at his asking price for himself, you would never have to work again. You could buy yourself a small island in the Caribbean, say St. Maarten, and live like a king- lighting your Cuban cigars with $100 bills. Bill Gates would envy your net worth.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
  3. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    Then based on the way Dooley runs his program, why would anyone expect anything other than the results we got?

    The fact that the NCAA and (some, not all) athletic departments across the country rake in millions under the guise of caring about 'student-athletes' is a joke to me.
  4. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    It may not be a coincidence, but it also ain't the reason you give. A correlation between success on the football field and success in the classroom? That's [uck fay]ing ridiculous. Borderline ricockulous.
  5. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    You have a valid point, but no one has to approve of that.
  6. The Dooz

    The Dooz Super Moderator

    I can't speak for anybody but myself, but if I'm using the football team's APR score to determine whether or not I want to hire a graduate from Tennessee, I probably shouldn't be doing any hiring in the first place.
  7. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    How do we turn THIS post into a t-shirt? Because it really says it all.
  8. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member

    Check the APRs for the Top 25. Also, take a gander at Miami's graduation rates from '83 to '01.
  9. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    The APR will improve only if the coach is better at persuading professors to gift grades to his players. Nick Saban isn't winning because he recruits players with good heads on their shoulders. He wins because those [uck fay]ers are all running 4.4 40s.
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Call it ridiculous, but the correlation is right there in the rankings and undeniable. Now, if you want to argue causality you can. And I'll still disagree with you. It isn't necessarily the best athletes that make the best grades, but overall even the most challenged athlete can make a decent grade in college coursework if they're focused. That focus doesn't just flip on and off like a switch from 6 AM workouts to 8 AM class. I am basing this off of firsthand observation at UT, and where I am at now.
  11. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    It is about discipline. More professors resent athletes than not, and would never dream of doing them any favors. Saban is winning because his team is focused. Collective scholastic performance is a symptom of that.
  12. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

    I'm not saying we should have expected different from Dooley. I'm saying the University should expect more from its football program and Athletic Department generally not to be a laughing stock in the classroom. I'm not sure I'd go as far as Jay and say it cheapens my degree to the point that it affects my future employment, but I think it absolutely is a black eye on the University, and I don't like that.
  13. kidbourbon

    kidbourbon Well-Known Member

    I will do no such thing.

    And to the extent the U teams that were good were good academically, that means that several professors must have really enjoyed college football. Schnelly wasn't making those kids go to class. I also can't imagine Jimmy Johnson giving a shit.
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    It doesn't cheapen the degree, but it does disrespect the university.
  15. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    I'm not expecting Rhodes Scholar results, but I don't think asking for competence in the classroom is asking too much.

    Would this be as big of an issue if we were tearing it up on the field? Certainly not. But, it's just more evidence to support the claim that Dooley is inept in every way. This is just another example of how full of shit the guy is. He talks high character, doing things the right way, being positive, accepting responsibility, etc, but none of that shit applies to him. Do as he says not as he does. That's just a reflection of his undeserved massively overinflated ego.

    Donors give money for results on the field. Period. Excelling in the classroom isn't going to help a coach get a contract extention at UT, but it certainly can be used against him to get rid of his ass when the donors want him gone.
  16. LawVol13

    LawVol13 Chieftain

    Nick Saban wins because he's a great coach and his players are scared shitless not to go to class and do exactly what he says. That's why they're disciplined in everything they do, and that's why their APR is high and why they win at a high level. We, on the other hand, fire a WR coach to appease a player and have widespread dissension in the locker room and what seems to be very little discipline. And, shockingly, we suck and our APR is pathetic. It's all about the head man setting a standard of how things are run, imo.
  17. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    So you are just trolling the thread, then? You said there was no correlation... but refuse to look if there is one. I'd call it a Mexican stand-off, but you forgot to bring a gun.
  18. JayVols

    JayVols Walleye Catchin' Moderator

    And you would be correct in your line of thinking. Still, it doesn't help perception.
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Agreed. We're not talking about 4.00's. We're saying it should be in the neighborhood of a 3.00. It is an average of 100 guys. That's very doable.
  20. hatvol96

    hatvol96 Well-Known Member


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