How Trump Proposes to Pay for THE WALL

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by Tenacious D, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. NorrisAlan

    NorrisAlan Founder of the Mike Honcho Fan Club

    He can beautifully spin that with "I couldn't get it made here because the jobs all went to mexico and China."
  2. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    Perhaps the decade.

    Tenny D you are spot on, and Trump is one who seemingly wants to do the things we need done, or at least comes nearer to it than anyone has for several Presidencies.
  3. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod


    It's possible.

    (Edit, I picked this only because it was the easiest to find. Cruz's website also advertises Made in America gear too.)
  4. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    I do not debate your assertion TD, I do not see how trying to put every high school grad in college will help either. It is just another waste of money so Bernie and his ilk can feel good about "helping" underprivileged kids. The fact that it could get him votes is of course a plus.
  5. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    That doesn't bother me. I don't expect him to play by rules that don't exist yet. I'd make my stuff in China, too. The only reason the other guys aren't is because they aren't businessmen and are more concerned with being able to say their stuff was "made in the USA" for political reasons than turning a profit.
  6. CardinalVol

    CardinalVol Uncultured, non-diverse mod

    Doesn't bother me either. Had a power red tie I bought at trump tower in 08 and wore until sometime last year. Great, beautiful tie.
  7. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    Sounds very masculine.
  8. y2korth

    y2korth Contributor

    Johnny, what are you going to do when you grow up?

    Draw a check
  9. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    1. They are entitled to none, that being said, you can't give them the help and take it away because the government ignored the fact they are illegal in the first place. The government enables them, not the other way around.

    2. The government ignores the laws and chooses not to enforce them. We've had immigration laws on the books for a long time, but for some reason they ignore them. If the illegals are smarter than our government, that's not the illegals fault.

    3. As a majority, the lazy and ignorant (white and black) make up the biggest bank roll of welfare. Figure out a way to get them off their lazy asses, and everyone wins.

    4. The VoTech line isn't just meant to serve as a way to make money, but to discourage people from believing they can't contribute to society, save violence and crime. When you look back at your classmates in HS, the majority of those in the lower percentage of grades are the one's who struggle in life. Instead of trying to force those people to believe a grade is the way to look at success, offering a different path that would provide them better opportunities to better themselves is something I highly believe in. That being said, having more skilled labor coming right out of HS, especially those with previous internships in the programs, would allow companies and businesses in the trade industry to hire them and groom them to what they need. The ability to communicate effectively with them, and have them show up to work each day, is something every business owner is willing to pay a little more to have in their business.

    5. No. They are coming up here to try and provide for themselves and their families in other countries. Our government allows it, and the POTUS can't change that. Until the government as a whole steps up and stops it, they will continue to come. That being said, data has shown that illegal immigration into the US has dropped.

    After all that has been said, one thing that most people complain about is the whole fake SS card thing with illegals. Here's the kicker on that, once an illegal presents that fake SS card, they have Income Tax, SS Tax, and Medicare tax taken out of their checks. I've seen reported that in the past decade, the illegals have paid an estimated $100 billion dollars into the SS fund. So, while we won't see a net gain or even break even, at least they are contributing something, whereas the lazy home bred Americans that use over 60% of the welfare system, typically don't contribute even close to that.
  10. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    Also, for those that think we have issues with illegal immigration, have you been paying attention to Europe lately? Good grief what a mess over there!
  11. gcbvol

    gcbvol Fabulous Moderator

    We're getting dumber. Whether the root cause is culture, technology or other, it's a reality. Higher paying jobs are requiring greater intelligence and skill; logic, critical thinking and adaptability are increasingly necessary.

    I agree with the point but worry about the training/skill ceiling of people. How can we reverse the overall dumbing down of humanity? Bigger issue, imo.
  12. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    He's openly admitted having manufacturing done in China and elsewhere, and without penalty.

    Where does everyone else's stuff come from? Anyone?
  13. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Yeah, I'd say that the big difference between Trump and the rest is that he's actually made things beyond SuperPACs.
  14. Tenacious D

    Tenacious D The law is of supreme importance, or no importance

    Here's a link to his actual site store - and not one of the bajillion knock offs on the interwebz selling his stuff.

    Tell me where it's all made, Marco.

  15. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    You don't mean someone posted a fake Made in China tag?!!! My faith in interweb integrity is shattered,
  16. g8terh8ter_eric

    g8terh8ter_eric Contributor

    Our educational process is failing our teachers and students, because of one big problem.......standardized tests.

    Standardized testing is the bastard of our current education system. Trying to excel a large percentage of individuals on tests that will never serve them a purpose in life, is inherently dumb. In fact, around 65% of HS graduates enroll in college after HS, and 30% of those drop out their first year. The only reason those tests exist, is to have a proverbial [penis] measuring contest with the rest of the world and within our own boarders. They are truly counterproductive for true educational purposes, and they completely stress out the system, including the teacher and the students. Take those test outs, and you would gain about 40% or more time with students to truly educate them on things that matter.
  17. RockyHill

    RockyHill Loves Auburn more than Tennessee.

    I'm no expert on the subject but where is 40% coming from?
  18. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    I'm not sure about 40%, but teachers would have more time to educate rather than train kids to take tests. A good example: a close friend taught general science, and a highlight of his class was astronomy trips to a local college where one of the Professors operated a planetarium. The kids enjoyed it, and it helped open their minds to the fact that learning could be fun as well as worthwhile. He had to drop it due to the state required time spent on getting prepared for the T-caps.
  19. Unimane

    Unimane Kill "The Caucasian"

    Speaking as a teacher, social media, in my opinion, is having a disastrous effect on the younger generation, as well. Now, I could list a litany of other issues, but social media is something that is indelible in almost every class I teach, whether it's kids constantly fiddling with their phone to comment instead of focusing on the lesson or dealing with one of the innumerable beefs created by their complete lack of a filter on something that they don't seem to grasp is out there forever for all to see. Most of all, the social media sites create this instant sense of gratification that destroys a lot of analytical abilities (So much of that stuff is just short entries, photos, comments, etc.), an overly heightened self-centeredness as they create monuments to themselves online and a far greater level of peer interaction instead of adult interaction.

    Seriously, the kids are like junkies for their phones and the social media shit. It's unbelievable to watch. I couldn't imagine being a part of this generation.
  20. rbroyles

    rbroyles Chieftain

    It is beyond my comprehension why in the hell are kids allowed to have any of these items in the classroom. When I was subbing, we were to confiscate them.

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