I keep hearing... (Yet Another Race Discussion)

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by NEW COACH, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. NashVol11

    NashVol11 Well-Known Member

    New Coach has solved it. Racism and inequality simply don't exist.

    NEW COACH Contributor

    You keep saying words.

    I asked a simple question, should be easy to answer.
  3. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    It is a very easy answer you've already made clear you disagree with. I can say it, but it is all just pageantry isn't it? You don't think the grievances of many in that group are real.

    They don't think they are treated the same based on their race, and cite everything from police shootings, police interactions in general, the justice system, etc.

    You're aware of their complaints, that is how you started the thread.

    NEW COACH Contributor

  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I'm not black, so I don't think I should be your primary source on these things. Full disclosure. It is, like everything, more nuanced than how it is discussed in pop culture
  6. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    Broken tail lights are a hell of a crime.
  7. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    That is 16 too many.

    NEW COACH Contributor

    I agree, but to say that is systemic racism is ridiculous.
  9. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    I suspect that your experience getting pulled over at 1:00 in the morning is much different than a young black males experience the majority of the time.
  10. smokysbark

    smokysbark Chieftain

    I have a friend, who is black, that I am office neighbors with and have been for probably 5 years. We are close enough that we can have these awkward conversations without fear of offending the other one. He sort of made me see this from a different perspective. I will put these in quotes but it's not word for word -- from memory. This is after I basically had the same argument being made by original poster with my friend. "You are taking this personally. White people tend to make racism arguments an attack on their personal belief system and go full defensive mode trying to disprove that they themselves are racist when it was never about them personally. Black people tend to make racism an institutional argument that is really difficult to shine a light on in reality." So, I had to rethink everything I was saying and the position that I found myself arguing. He went on to say that racism isn't logical and is just plain difficult to talk about and to fix. People get angry and want to defend what they believe and usually it makes things worse.

    Biggest thing he said to me was this, "I'm not asking you to fix this personally and I'm not blaming you if I should ever experience racism. I'm only asking you to listen if I need to talk about an experience and be brave enough to say something if you see it."

    NEW COACH Contributor

    Based on what? What you suspect?

    That's the problem. All you can point to are "testimonials" and "feelings." And I'm not black so I can't comment because I haven't "felt" what they have felt. Ok, give me the numbers. What are the objective facts? Not just what a people group "feels." The numbers clearly show that cops are racist and mistreat black people at a higher rate than other races?

    In a people that only makes up 12% of the population yet are responsible for 52% of homicides, it's funny how cops are the bad guys. Yet that whole community wants to play the victims to an "unjust white man system" when they are killing themselves. Yet police are the bad guys in the eyes of blacks.

    Facts don't care about your feelings.
  12. VolDad

    VolDad Super Moderator

    Based on video showing what we have been hearing for years.

  13. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    1. There are more facts than you may be aware of.

    2. Any fact is subject to critical thinking

    So black people's complaints about LE are invalid because of their crime rate? Who charges crimes? LE. Your fact doesn't actually refute anything.

    Why is there such high black on black crime rates? What is the cause of cultural issues? Has it always been this way?

    There is far more to this then I think you realize. There is more than one thing going on here. A cop who shoots an unarmed black man isn't necessarily thinking that he was going to go out and shoot a black guy. It is a product of several factors that boil down to black people being perceived as dangerous and somehow less human.

    This is just my understanding, so don't take it as some official BLM position or whatever

    NEW COACH Contributor

    Is the rate of cops shooting unarmed people higher in the black population?
  15. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Relative to population size, massively so

    NEW COACH Contributor

    Do you know the numbers on that? Just curious.
  17. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    I will get them to you tonight

    NEW COACH Contributor

    Thanks I appreciate it.

    And this is non-violent unarmed people that were minding their own business that were shot by cops?

    Surely cases like Michael Brown aren't included, where he robbed a store and was charging a cop before he was shot?
  19. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Brown would be included, as he was unarmed. Every data point has a story, no matter the statistic. You wanted facts.

    NEW COACH Contributor

    If you hand me alternative facts including criminals who pose a threat to the welfare of police officers, then not interested.

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