Thought season two was premiering on Halloween, guess it's this Sunday night. Show needs a thread though.
Since I was 15, I have been awaiting a zombie apocalypse so that my skills and talents could finally fully shine. In the immediate moments of the pandemic, I would round up a harem of hotties along with a wingman or two, and begin bunkering down and hording supplies. We would ride out the first few rough months as best we could, while laying down the first steps of fathering an army of zombie-slaying soldiers to begin to retake the world in 18 years. You may wonder why I would bother with wing men. It is called "planning ahead." Aside from the obvious benefits of extra men to kill zombies and kick ass, it ensures a future supply of young women from outside of my gene pool in which to infuse into my aging harem in future decades. I have this thing figured out.
would have liked to have gotten more into the story for a 1 and a half hour episode. love the show, but if every episode is of this variety it's going to get old.
The story was set up in the first episode: find the little girl, try and save the shot boy, and figure out who shot him. That is probably the story line for like the next 3 or 4 episodes.
I thought the Zombies could smell humans. The part about hiding under the cars didn't make much sense.
i just watched the season preview at the end of the episode and it looks good. wish they shot the wife. horrible actress and i hate her character. i don't understand how the zombies won if it's so easy to kill them and i thought that you caught it if you touched their blood. makes no sense that the baracade with the 100 rounds per second rifles wouldn't have been enough to stop them
In an episode last year they covered themselves in zombie guts to keep the zombies from smelling them. I was surprised in this episode that they could so easily hide by getting under the vehicles.
Yup and that was ridiculous because they put on clothing to protect them from getting sick, but got guts all over the place. Hiding under the car does seem kind of ridiculous since they can smell humans and you'd think they'd be starved since most humans are dead. Not to get too anal, but there seem to be an awful lot of zombies surviving without an obvious food supply
Could it have been the black dude from Season 1, with the boy, that Rick keeps trying to talk to on the radio? Seems unlikely, but ol' boy had a rifle...
One of the memorable scenes of season 1 was when the sheriff shot this girl and said something like – I am sorry this happened to you. Here is her story. (Webisodes 1-6) The Walking Dead - Video – AMC
The smell thing: The writer or director or whoever said that it wasn't that the zombies were "blood hounds" who followed their noses to the next victim. Last season, the humans had to walk through a crowd of zombies. Zombies tend to notice who isn't a zombie because they don't smell like a rotting corpse. It isn't that they SMELL humans, so much as they notice when something doesn't smell like death. Zombies hunger for living flesh. So, hiding under the cars kept them out of sight. If they are out of sight, there is nothing for the zombies to "see" and realize it doesn't smell right.