The Great Bathroom Debate

Discussion in 'The Thunderdome' started by g8terh8ter_eric, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    The law is designed to make life as uncomfortable as possible for trans people. It has no benefit whatsoever, and the justification of "predators are gonna use it!" is a red herring because this law doesn't prevent that.
  2. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    Your dumb ass keeps going back to this because your argument doesn't hold up. "The intent is mean" is an ambiguous, irrefutablr, unprovable version of your "bigot" label.
  3. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Im genuinely curious.
  4. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    My argument is pretty rock solid, actually. The law has no purpose. It changes nothing for anyone except trans people. It is going to be funny when folks whine and thrash around about the federal government stepping in, when that is exactly how the state behaved regarding local governments. This whole thing is yet another manufactured issue to try and derail the recent progression towards the normalcy of LGBT status. The changing of one's birth control requires a full surgical sex change. As was already stated, many (and perhaps most) trans people never get the full surgery, as there are no guarantees and there can be many complications.

    Imagine a world, like say this one pre 2016, where folks could just go to the damn restroom and any laws broken while in there would be dealt with accordingly. Was it so terrible before?
  5. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    Contrary to claims of the fabric of our lives, I didn't make it up and don't intentionally make things up, usually stating that I am not sure if I am not sure. If you google it, you'll see several places that discuss it, as well as the nuances in what transitioning means/entails in regards to people born intersex (hermaphroditic) rather than transgendering, where they were born one but feel their identity is that of the other.
  6. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Never claimed you did. I was just curious how (or even if) anything needed to change outside of surgery.
  7. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    The law is intended to protect the status quo, you ignorant ****tard.

    And a person can go into the bathroom that corresponds with their gender, and if that changes, it changes. The only thing rock solid is that you are a lying imbecile.
  8. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    You're just wrong, and time will bear that out.
  9. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    And that's that. Another pronouncement.

    You should think for everyone, if only you were better at it.
  10. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    So when I have an opinion or view it is a pronouncement, but when you have one that runs counter, it's a... what?
  11. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    I agree. But thinking the unbelievable was unbelievable has crossed me up before. The way that reads it doesn't matter if you are a proclaimed (since it appears that is good enough) transgender or actually had the surgery. Anyone is free to go in whichever room you choose.
  12. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    What is my view? That NC should be able to segregate bathrooms into boy/girl if they decide?

    Yeah, that's on the same level as predicting the future eith certainty and deciding that peolpe are motivated only by bigotry, you absolutist, arrogant, intolerant pissmonkey.
  13. kptvol

    kptvol Super Moderator

    I think an interesting/hilarious experiment would be to make three restrooms. Women's, men's, and men with large penises. Premise would be to keep the large membered men from intimidating the regular joes. Just have them side by side, labeled appropriately, and with hidden cameras to watch as people decide which bathroom to use. Maybe even have a bathroom attendant in there, and have him act incredulous as to whether or not guys have entered the right room.
  14. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    So what do you call that view? Mine is a proclamation, your's is what? What's the difference?

    And what motivates you? If you say safety, that doesn't seem to fit with reality and is in my opinion (or proclamation if your prefer) irrational. I also do not believe this law is about safety, given it's timing.

    Ya, I think we're trending away from this kind of thing. It is quite strange you find a view point on temporal trend to be offensive and arrogant. Do you think the sun will continue to rise and set? Whoa, the arrogance.
  15. IP

    IP Super Moderator

    That would be interesting. Add in something for women to have to self-evaluate too, maybe.
  16. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    Find me where I said this is about safety, you lying sack of ****. It is about the ability to segregate restrooms by something other than self ID.
  17. kmf600

    kmf600 Energy vampire

    Can I use pissmonkey? I was using another insult a couple of months back, but I forgot what it was. Maybe ****boy?
  18. Beechervol

    Beechervol Super Moderator

    Pissmonkey is new.
  19. cotton

    cotton Stand-up Philosopher

    I invented it. My wife helped.

    Feel free to use as needed.

    Edit: wife tells me that she invented it; I was original pissmonkey tho
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
  20. Joseph Brant

    Joseph Brant Airbrush Aficionado

    I'm pretty much here. Transgender folks have been using whatever restroom they see fit for however long they've been around, and there hasn't been any massive restroom rape outbreaks that I'm aware of.

    The whole thing is a ploy to distract folks from how bad they're getting f'ed over on actual issues.

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